From: yahalom on
I have a small tk app that part of its job is to copy big files (100Mb
+) from usb connected recorders. Of course I want to show file copy
progress as the file transfer from the recorders is slow. I use
ttk::progressbar in a toplevel window but it is not updated when file
copy is being done so my app looks stuck.. Is there a way to do this
with events or should I go for threads?
From: Roger O on
I do a standard "fcopy" in my app. It copies a bit (selectable
amount), and then calls a function to do whatever. Usually one just
copies a bit more. This continues until the file copy is done. In the
callback you set up, in addition to the continuation of the copy, you
can determine the progress in the file and update a progress variable.
This is yet another fine standard Tcl feature.
From: Emiliano on
On 19 mar, 03:19, yahalom <yahal...(a)> wrote:
> I have a small tk app that part of its job is to copy big files (100Mb
> +) from usb connected recorders. Of course I want to show file copy
> progress as the file transfer from the recorders is slow. I use
> ttk::progressbar in a toplevel window but it is not updated when file
> copy is being done so my app looks stuck.. Is there a way to do this
> with events or should I go for threads?

Example adapted from the fcopy(n) man page:

package require Tk 8.5

proc CopyMore {in out chunk w bytes {error {}}} {
set current [expr { int([$w cget -value])}]
$w configure -value [incr current $bytes]

if {([string length $error] != 0) || [chan eof $in]} {
chan close $in
chan close $out
} else {
after idle [list after 0 [list \
chan copy $in $out \
-size $chunk \
-command [list CopyMore $in $out $chunk $w]

set source /some/big/sourcefile
set dest /some/big/destfile

set in [open $source]
set out [open $dest w]
chan configure $in -translation binary -encoding binary
chan configure $out -translation binary -encoding binary

set chunk [expr {16 * 1024}] ; # 16 kb

ttk::progressbar .pb -maximum [file size $source]
pack .pb -expand 1 -fill both

chan copy $in $out \
-size $chunk \
-command [list CopyMore $in $out $chunk .pb]


Hope this helps.
