From: magda magdaleno on 13 Apr 2010 18:00 Hi... i apologize for what may be trivial to most. I am new to Matlab and have not figured out how to fully optimize my routines. Anyway... I am trying to read in an image of size rows x cols(817x1544). In which i use a 32x32 tile to compute the mean and replace the 4 center elements with the mean of the 32x32 tiles i.e. 32x32 tile with a 2x2 kernel. so my final image will be of size rowsxcols (817x1544) and it consist of the means of the image. I have a working routine, but it takes about 10 seconds or so to run. Is there a way to make this run faster? [rows,cols] = size(imgin); mean_frame(1:rows,1:cols)=0; Tsize=32; % tile size is 32x32 T_y_loc=Tsize; % the end location of the y-dir tile T_x_loc=Tsize; % the end location of the x-dir tile row_loc=1; % loc to store result in the new matrix col_loc=1; % loc to store result in the new matrix for T_y_loc=Tsize:2:cols meany_loc= (T_y_loc+col_loc-1)/2; for T_x_loc=Tsize:2:rows roi= imgin(row_loc:1:T_x_loc,col_loc:1:T_y_loc); %32x32 stepping by 2 Tmean= mean2(roi); meanx_loc= (T_x_loc+row_loc-1)/2; mean_frame(meanx_loc:meanx_loc+1,meany_loc:meany_loc+1)= Tmean; row_loc = row_loc+2; end col_loc = col_loc+2; row_loc=1; end
From: ImageAnalyst on 13 Apr 2010 22:11 magda: I'm not sure I exactly understand the 2by2 stuff versus the 32 by 32 stuff, but maybe conv2 will help. I think this is what you're after. clc; imageArray = zeros(817,1544); % Take average within a 32x32 window. kernel = ones(32,32) / (32*32); tic; meanImage = conv2(imageArray, kernel, 'same'); toc; % First timing. outputImage = imageArray; % Copy original % Copy blurred in checkerboard fashion. % Only assign every other one. outputImage(2:2:end, 2:2:end) = meanImage(2:2:end, 2:2:end); toc; % Second timing Elapsed time is 0.018213 seconds. Elapsed time is 0.048766 seconds. Regards, ImageAnalyst
From: magda magdaleno on 14 Apr 2010 15:28 convolution (conv2) is exactly what i needed!!! I should have figured that out. I guess I need to re-learn linear Algebra!! THANKS for your help!!! FYI - the 2x2 stuff - i am basically using the mean of the 32x32 kernel/tile and replacing the 4 center pixels with that mean. After comparing the 2x2 stuff with the mean for each pixel location, i think I will get rid of the 2x2 stuff since it doesn't buy me anything. Thanks again for your help. You just made my life much easier!! 10seconds down to a fraction of a second!!
From: magda magdaleno on 14 Apr 2010 18:38 What would be the best way to handle edge pixels? edge pixels are not contained within a 32x32 kernel, so i can't simply divide by 32*32. i was thinking of creating a matrix A that would contain all of the correct divisors. i.e. 32*32 throughout the image and the edge would contain the corresponding divisor. then - Kernel would simply be ones(32,32) after conv2 OutputImage= meanImage./A or is there a better way to handle the edge pixels using conv2 thanks
From: magda magdaleno on 14 Apr 2010 19:44 NM txs anyway... i padded top/bottom left/right and then performed conv2 txs
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