From: Filippo Malvezzi on
I am doing a simple model in simscape of a shaft connecting a motor with a generator.
Right now I generate a constant torque from my motor (10) and a constant resistant torque from the generator (-5). I have connected a rotational reference to each the torque sources.
After the Torque sources I have put an inertia for the motor and one for the generator (0.01 each). Now I put a sensor for the velocity of the shaft (between the shaft and the rotational reference) and one sensor for the torque on the shaft(in the line connecting motor and generator).
I am expecting these results:
Torque Motor – Torque generator = (Inertia Mot + Inertia Gen)*d(OMEGA ROTOR)/dt

I expect the slope of the velocity to be (10-5)/0.02=250 and in fact it is so.
The velocity sensor works.
The problem is with the torque sensor, the result for the torque is 7.5 instead of 5.
Where is the mistake, could you help me please.
Thank you.
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