From: Tim Wescott on
fisico32 wrote:
> Hello forum,
> while a composite signal (made of many sinusoids), if sampled at a sampling
> frequency f_s at least twice the largest frequency in the signal, can be
> "uniquely" reconstructed from its samples,
> a continuous pure sinusoid of freq f instead, no matter if sampled at twice
> or more its frequency, will give samples that can be the samples of other
> sinuosids, all those with frequency f+-n*f_s where f_s the sampling
> frequency....
> The sampling criterion then works only for a signal with more than one
> sinusoid...
> Am I correct?

No. Think.

What is the process that they use to reconstruct that complex signal
from the sampled one? What happens when you attempt to reconstruct a
sampled single sinusoidal signal, using that process? (what happens
when you try to say "sampled single sinusoidal signal" three times fast?).

Finally: Is the sampling and reconstruction process a linear process?
If you think it isn't, explain. If you think it is, how can you
reconstruct a complex signal but not a simple one?

Tim Wescott
Control system and signal processing consulting