From: stiggity on 11 Jul 2010 19:48 Ive always done all of my tasks on a 64, or a 128 in 64mode. Well, today i broke out the 128 PRM and decided to write a small routine that will print the contents of a$ to the screen. Well after an hour or so of trying to get this to work... im here. I know nothing about "banking" but owning the 128 PRM im trying to learn. If anyone can tell me why this routine will not work on the 128, but once pointers have been switched back to 64 code, it works fine.. any help would be greatly appreciated. -Steve *=$1300 start jsr getstr ldy #0 sty starty start1 ldy starty cpy uplen bcs startd lda ($fd),y jsr $ffd2 inc starty jmp start1 startd rts GETSTR LDA $2f STA $BB LDA $30 STA $BC OO LDY #$00 LDA ($BB),Y CMP #65 BNE OO2 INY LDA ($BB),Y CMP #128 BEQ OO3 OO2 CLC LDA $BB ADC #$07 STA $BB LDA $BC ADC #$00 STA $BC JMP OO OO3 INY LDA ($BB),Y STA UPLEN INY LDA ($BB),Y STA $FD INY LDA ($BB),Y STA $FE STA $BC RTS starty .byte 0 uplen .byte 0
From: xlar54 on 11 Jul 2010 22:42 I dont have time at the moment to go over your code, but here's some code that I did have that kind of did the same thing for the 128: ;C-128 ML Find and Display A$, by Tech E ;Merlin128 src file STAVEC = $02B9 ;interbank STA vector (not used here) FETVEC = $02AA ;interbank LDA vector (not used here) LENGTH = $0B20 ;var length stored in tape buffer INDFET = $FF74 INDSTA = $FF77 CHROUT = $FFD2 *= $3000 ; sys 12288 AFIND LDY #$04 ; FINDS A$ AND SETS $FF-$FE STY $FF ; zero page location for interbank LDA LDY #$00 STY $FE ; " " " SEARCH1 JSR FETCH1 CMP #$41 ; search for 'a' BEQ FOUND1 INY CPY #$00 BNE SEARCH1 INC $FF ; increment zero page high byte LDA $FF CMP #$16 ; arbitrary search limit BNE SEARCH1 RTS FOUND1 STY $FE ; found A, now verify for marker LDY #$01 JSR FETCH1 CMP #$80 ; if marker is $80, then we got a$ BNE SEARCH1 INY JSR FETCH1 STA LENGTH ; save variable length INY JSR FETCH1 STA $0B21 INY JSR FETCH1 STA $FF ; set zp with mem location of a$ data LDA $0B21 STA $FE PRINT1 LDY #$00 ; print to screen GETNEXT CPY LENGTH BEQ END1 JSR FETCH1 JSR $FFD2 INY JMP GETNEXT END1 RTS ; return to basic FETCH1 LDA #$FE ; set A to zero page pointer addr STY $0B22 ; store Y for safekeeping LDX #$01 ; Set X to bank# JSR INDFET ; LDA(A),Y bank X LDY $0B22 ; re-load Y RTS
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