From: Andrzej Adam Filip on
stephenf4 <stephenf4(a)> wrote:
> correction to original post in thread... the smarttable I included
> should read:
> ESMTP:[]
> # relay mailer sends to alternate port (e.g., port 465 for stunnel to
> relay_port_465:[localhost]
> # relay for <> sender [version 8.2+ of smarttable]
> @ SMTP:[]
> I gave my ISP's anonymity away. whoops. :-)

smarttable uses $&f to select email route.
AFAIR sendmail does not set/reset &$f "properly" when sending bounces.

There are two possible paths:
* right&long: ask to patch sendmail to set $&f correctly
for bounces
* find "something" to allow smarttable know that it sends a bounce and
should ignore $&f

[pl>en Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : anfi(a) : Andrzej.Filip(a)
It was kinda like stuffing the wrong card in a computer, when you're
stickin' those artificial stimulants in your arm.
-- Dion, noted computer scientist