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From: Roger Alves on 26 Mar 2010 08:42 How do I change this code to include steady state error with integral control? Any suggestions? Can I monitor the motor current trough this file as well? How? g=9.81; %Gravity(m/s^2) r=0.1; %Radius of wheel(m) Mw=0.7; %Mass of wheel(kg) Mp=80; %Mass of body(kg) Iw=0.0004; %Inertia of the wheel(kg*m^2) Ip=0.04; %Inertia of the body(kg*m^2) l=0.35; %Length to the body's centre of mass(m) %Motor's variables Km = 0.3035; %Motor torque constant (Nm/A) Ke = 0.0277; %Back EMF constant (Vs/rad) R = 1; %Nominal Terminal Resistance (Ohm) beta = (2*Mw+(2*Iw/r^2)+Mp) alpha = (Ip*beta + 2*Mp*l^2*(Mw + Iw/r^2)) A = [0 1 0 0; 0 (2*Km*Ke*(Mp*l*r-Ip-Mp*l^2))/(R*r^2*alpha) (Mp^2*g*l^2)/alpha 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 (2*Km*Ke*(r*beta - Mp*l))/(R*r^2*alpha) (Mp*g*l*beta)/alpha 0] B = [ 0; (2*Km*(Ip + Mp*l^2 - Mp*l*r))/(R*r*alpha); 0; (2*Km*(Mp*l-r*beta)/(R*r*alpha))] C = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0] D = [0; 0] %TRANSFER FUNCTION FORM OF THE STATE SPACE MODEL disp('Transfer Function of the system') [num,den] = ss2tf(A,B,C,D) %Obtaining the eigenvalues of the system matrix disp('The eigenvalues of the system matrix A') disp('A positive value will indicate an unstable system') p = eig(A) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Pole Placement control design %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% disp('The system matrix have to be full rank for pole placement control') rank_=rank(ctrb(A,B)) P = [-9 -10 -11 -13] K = place(A,B,P) %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Simulate the system %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Simulation time step T=0:0.02:5; %Impulse response input U=zeros(size(T)); U(1)= 1; %System matrices with feedback Ac = [(A-B*K)]; Bc = [B]; Cc = [C]; Dc = [D]; %Obtaining the States and the output response [Y,X]=lsim(Ac,Bc,Cc,Dc,U,T); %Obtaining the torque needed to control the system [n m] = size (X); for i = 1:n UU(i) = -K*X(i,:)'; end figure %plot the states title('Impulse response of the plant with Pole Placement control') plot(1), plot(T,[X(:,1) X(:,2) X(:,3) X(:,4)]), xlabel('Time [s]'), ylabel('Position[m],Velocity[m/s],Angle[rad],Angular velocity[rad/s]') legend('x','dx/dt','phi','dphi/dt') |