From: CFY30 CFY30 on
Hi there,
Anyone has code on demonstrating how to find the minimum of a surface by steepest descent algorithm?

From: Sven on
"CFY30 CFY30" <cfy30(a)> wrote in message <hs7snr$ibs$1(a)>...
> Hi there,
> Anyone has code on demonstrating how to find the minimum of a surface by steepest descent algorithm?

You're going to need to elaborate. What form is the data representing your surface? Why the steepest descent algorithm? What have you tried so far?

[X,Y,surfData] = peaks;
[minVal, idx] = min(surfData(:));
fprintf('Your min value of %g occurs at X = %g, Y = %g\n', minVal, X(idx), Y(idx))
From: John D'Errico on
"CFY30 CFY30" <cfy30(a)> wrote in message <hs7snr$ibs$1(a)>...
> Hi there,
> Anyone has code on demonstrating how to find the minimum of a surface by steepest descent algorithm?

Why would you want this anyway? It is a terribly slow
algorithm in general. Unless of course, this is for your
homework assignment, in which case you should be
writing it yourself.

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