From: alice on
On Apr 29, 2:49 am, "Darren Rowland"
<darrenjremovethisrowl...(a)> wrote:
> Alice,
> Looking at your equations, it doesn't matter if p is given as a 2x3 array or as a 6x1 vector. Just to keep the indexing easier, I would have p in the form of a vector then the history of p can be recorded in a matrix of dimension 6-by-i, i.e.
> pMat = zeros(6,i);  % preallocate storage for p vectors
> then within the loop you will have
>     pMat(:,i+1) = pMat(:,i) + w;
> Hth
> Darren

Is there a website or book which would have more info on this general
approach? thanks
From: Darren Rowland on
The "getting started" section in the Matlab help is a good place to start. Otherwise any of the books by Duane Hanselman or the online "Experiments" texts by Cleve
