From: -Nisko- on
Long time ago, I had FreeAgent. Is that what you're recommending? Or the
paid version of Agent? Which is best: Agent, FreeAgent or Gravity? I'd
like to use the best and I don't want to keep changing software. Thank

"Befunge Sudoku" <daviddotbudd(a)> wrote in message
> In article <BugJg.3691$Zm1.1094(a)dukeread02>, rmo555(a) says...
>> Sorry, Peter - but I still don't understand. My NewsClient is Outlook
>> Express. The only thing I am doing is responding to posts at the bottom
>> of
>> the post.
> Outlook Express doesn't bother with little things like international
> standards, and so it's hard to use it and not break societal norms,
> leading to much angst, schadenfreude, and even possibly weltschmertz
> [sp?].
> If you Google for OE Quotefix, and install it, it improves things
> somewhat. You'd be even better off with something like Gravity or
> Agent, though.
> --
> The accident involved dark chocolate.

From: Befunge Sudoku on
In article <z6hJg.3695$Zm1.2844(a)dukeread02>, rmo555(a) says...
> Long time ago, I had FreeAgent. Is that what you're recommending? Or the
> paid version of Agent? Which is best: Agent, FreeAgent or Gravity? I'd
> like to use the best and I don't want to keep changing software. Thank
> you.......

I happen to like Gravity. Others will have their own preferences.
I don't think there can be just one that's "best"
The accident involved dark chocolate.
From: Gabriele Neukam on
On this special day, Befunge Sudoku wrote:

> and even possibly weltschmertz
> [sp?].

The latter 't' was one too many. And I wonder, why you are mentioning
this term, as it is a kind of culturally inspired feeling of depression.

Gabriele Neukam


Ah, Information. A property, too valuable these days, to give it away, just so, at no cost.
From: Befunge Sudoku on
In article <ed4a4j$3ql$02$1(a)>,
Gabriele.Spamfighter.Neukam(a) says...
> On this special day, Befunge Sudoku wrote:
> > and even possibly weltschmertz
> > [sp?].
> The latter 't' was one too many. And I wonder, why you are mentioning
> this term, as it is a kind of culturally inspired feeling of depression.

I get it when I contemplate another year's intake of undergraduates
with shiney new laptops with no security on them... Among other
causes. It's September RealSoonNow, AGAIN. Of course, it always is,
somewhere on the net.
The accident involved dark chocolate.
From: kurt wismer on

-Nisko- wrote:
> Sorry, Peter - but I still don't understand. My NewsClient is Outlook
> Express. The only thing I am doing is responding to posts at the bottom of
> the post.

ok, peter's 2 pet peves here are these:
1) you're full quoting instead of trimming your quotes to include only
that information relevant to your reply...
2) you're full quotes are so full that they also include the signature
of the person your quoting (the part that comes after the "--")... this
isn't seen much anymore because most modern news clients automatically
discard the signature when inserting the quote...

both of these things waste bandwidth and though that may not be a big
deal to some of us, others have to pay essentially by the kilobyte so
leaving extraneous text in your quotes is costing them
unnecessarily...try to trim as much as possible while still maintaining
the context necessary for your reply... also try to make your trimming
obvious (ie. use something similar to [snip] to indicate where you've
removed text)...

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