From: Walter Roberson on
Dion wrote:
> I'm making the same observation and find it really, very strange.
> Especially when the performance gap is so striking.

The two versions use completely different symbolic engines. The last few
Matlab releases use MuPad for the symbolic engine; the ones before that
used Maple. MuPad's language is designed to be quite similar to Maple's,
but of course the power and correctness of the simplifiers is going to
be different between the two (and each will have some bugs that the
other does not have.)

If you own Maple then you can use that as the symbolic engine --
Maplesoft was making the interface available free for a while last year
(for R13) and I think I saw a note in the new R14 version that said it
was now incorporated into the standard Maple distribution, but I am not
certain about that.
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