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From: Sam Bendayan on 11 Dec 2008 16:56 Greetings, I'm trying out the sys.sql_expression_dependencies view in SQL2008 to track dependencies of our database objects. The ultimate purpose of this is to be able to generate a list of DB objects in the order in which they need to be applied to avoid dependency errors. However, I'm encountering a strange situation. In our software product we use multiple databases, so I'm looping through all the databases on a server and running SELECTs on this sys.sql_expression_dependencies in each of these databases via Dynamic SQL inside of an SP. However, not all of the rows are being returned when I call the SP. But, if I just have the SP print out the Dynamic SQL and then open up a separate query window and execute that, then all the rows are being returned. Any ideas? Has anyone seen this? Thanks, SB Sam Bendayan DB Architect Ultimate Software sam.bendayan(a) *** Sent via Developersdex ***
From: Erland Sommarskog on 11 Dec 2008 18:45 Sam Bendayan (sam_bendayan(a) writes: > I'm trying out the sys.sql_expression_dependencies view in > SQL2008 to track dependencies of our database objects. The > ultimate purpose of this is to be able to generate a list > of DB objects in the order in which they need to be applied > to avoid dependency errors. > > However, I'm encountering a strange situation. In our > software product we use multiple databases, so I'm looping > through all the databases on a server and running SELECTs > on this sys.sql_expression_dependencies in each of these > databases via Dynamic SQL inside of an SP. However, not > all of the rows are being returned when I call the SP. > But, if I just have the SP print out the Dynamic SQL and > then open up a separate query window and execute that, then > all the rows are being returned. Could you post the code to your procedure? -- Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel(a) Links for SQL Server Books Online: SQL 2008: SQL 2005: SQL 2000:
From: Sam Bendayan on 12 Dec 2008 08:42 Here you go. If you EXEC this SP with @Debug = 1 it will print out the SQL. If you EXEC it with @Debug = 0 it will execute the SQL. I get different result sets when doing the above 2 operations, which shouldn't be the case. -- IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.HRMS_DBA_SQLDependencies') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE dbo.HRMS_DBA_SQLDependencies GO /* EXEC dbo.HRMS_DBA_SQLDependencies @Debug = 1 dbcc freeproccache */ CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.HRMS_DBA_SQLDependencies @Debug BIT = 0 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX), @CurrentDBName VARCHAR(30) DECLARE DB_Cur CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases OPEN DB_Cur FETCH NEXT FROM DB_Cur INTO @CurrentDBName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = ' SELECT DISTINCT AS ObjectName, ''' + @CurrentDBName + ''' AS ObjectDBName, OBJECT_NAME(i.referenced_id) AS ReferencedObjectName, ISNULL(UPPER(referenced_database_name), ''' + @CurrentDBName + ''') AS ReferencedObjectDBName FROM ' + @CurrentDBName + '.sys.objects o LEFT JOIN ' + @CurrentDBName + '.sys.sql_expression_dependencies i ON = OBJECT_NAME(i.referencing_id) WHERE o.type IN (''FN'', ''IF'', ''P'', ''SQ'', ''TF'', ''TR'', ''V'') ORDER BY ObjectName' IF @Debug = 1 BEGIN PRINT @SQL END ELSE BEGIN EXEC(@SQL) END FETCH NEXT FROM DB_Cur INTO @CurrentDBName END CLOSE DB_Cur DEALLOCATE DB_Cur END GO Thanks for your help, Sam Bendayan DB Architect Ultimate Software sam.bendayan(a) *** Sent via Developersdex ***
From: Sam Bendayan on 15 Dec 2008 11:35 Any luck? Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Thanks, Sam Bendayan DB Architect Ultimate Software sam.bendayan(a) *** Sent via Developersdex ***
From: Sam Bendayan on 15 Dec 2008 12:24 OK...never mind...I found the problem. The problem was that I was using the OBJECT_NAME() function while doing cross-database calls....which doesn't work with this function. One of the joins in the query used this function, so it was returning inconsistent results because the 2 connections were using different databases. I changed the Dynamic SQL to have a USE @CurrentDatabase statement before the SELECT and this fixed the problem. I now get consistent results since the OBJECT_NAME function is always in the proper database context. Thanks, Sam Bendayan DB Architect Ultimate Software sam.bendayan(a) *** Sent via Developersdex ***
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