From: Reinoud Slagter on

My question is if it is possible to solve in MATLAB numerically a system of coupled PDE's ( parabolic) in two space dimensions (+time):

d^2F/dt^2 = ...d^2F/dx^2 +...d^2F/dy^2 + .....

regards Reinoud
From: Torsten Hennig on
> Hello
> My question is if it is possible to solve in MATLAB
> numerically a system of coupled PDE's ( parabolic) in
> two space dimensions (+time):
> d^2F/dt^2 = ...d^2F/dx^2 +...d^2F/dy^2 + .....
> regards Reinoud

The above PDE looks hyperbolic, not parabolic to me.
Check whether the type of equations supported by the
pde-toolbox fits your needs.
If not, you will have to discretize the spatial derivatives by finite differences and solve the
resulting system of ordinary differential equations
by one of the solvers of the ODE-suite.

Best wishes