From: Manos on

I am a new user of matlab and I have to solve a system of two Partial differential equations (PDE) of second order and three dimensions (time independent) with boundary conditions.

The two unknowns are F(x,y,z) and P(x,y,z) and the equations (where N(....) refers to the nabla operator on the horizontal, i.e. d² / dx² + d² / dy² ):

N(F)=N( a * N(P) ) + [Pxx * Pyy - (Pxy)² ] (1)

q=r * [ (N(P) + a) * Fzz - Pzx * Fzx - Pzy * Fzy] (2)

q, r, a are known three dimension matrices as also the horizontal and lateral boundary values.

First of all is it possible for Matlab to solve such a system? If yes I would be grateful if someone could direct me to an example or give me some advice on how should I proceed.

Thank you in advance
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