From: SteveH on
RayLopez99 wrote:
> On Feb 20, 10:06 pm, poachedeggs <poachede...(a)> wrote:
>> I have got a custom built machine: Asus M2N68-AM SE2 motherboard with
>> an AMD Athlon I X2 250 3 ghz CPU, plus 320 hd drive, 4 gb RAM
>> (Buffalo, PC6400, a compatible speed with the m/b), PNY Nvidia G210
>> card, running Windows 7 64 bit.
>> I had some instability problems when I'd had some apparently faulty
>> Elixir RAM - blue screens, and warped thing shappening on the
>> display. For a little while, waiting for the Elixir to be replaced by
>> a second stick of Buffalo RAM - asked for by me because the other one
>> seems fine - I only had 3gb, adding a 1gb generic stick that came
>> with the machine. Today is the first time the CPU has made this
>> terrible grinding din. It stopped doing this after I shut down and
>> started again.
>> Could this be simply because my home is unheated? February in England
>> and no central heating, which I can't rectify without trebling my
>> electricity bill. My laptop and netbook and other appliances cope and
>> have for fifteen years here. I would prefer to ignore this factor if
>> anything else is also possible, simply because this factor is
>> unresolvable.
>> All advice, as jargon-free as possible, would be appreciated. Many
>> thanks in advance.
> Yes, the noise if from your fan and it's due to the cold.

Rubbish, if it were just the cold the fan would be going round slower, not
faster and therefore noisier. It could even be that its supposed to do that
(which I've seen before) - the fan starts off fast, and then Windows cuts in
and gets control, the fan slows down and quietens down.

My PC is
> also the same. But the noise has nothing to do with any other
> problems, just as bad memory. Noise is just a nuisance, but it does
> not affect performance, though sometimes if the noise gets too loud
> (before the machine heats up)

Depends what is causing the noise. If its just the noise of airflow, then
yes, its just a nuisance. However, if its noise caused by vibration, then
something could eventually break. Which is why its important to know where
the noise is coming from and whats causing it.

I tap the sides a few times, and that
> breaks up the resonance and stops the noise.
And therefore is noise being caused by vibration, which may need
attending to.
