From: sscnekro on
Hi folks,

fig1 = gcf
saveas(fig1, 'filename.tif')

I come up with a fine resolution .tif picture that has, however, rather much blank space left around the plot. I fancy this has not much to do with the image saving or writing commands, because the resulting .tif picture just precisely corresponds with how the plots are displayed in the "figure window". [By contrast, using Figure / File / Export Setup / Export at default settings writes plots to a blank page A4. This is *not* what I refer to with "blank space left around the plot".]

Sorry for vocabulary typos. Is it possible to control so to say the proportions of plots with respect to the figure window so as no need to crop the resulting .tif? Thanks for helping.

PS Feeling killed by the ML documentation, I hit on:
and just regret I did not spot it earlier. This blog discusses the 300dpi publisher requirement:
From: sscnekro on
Disregard the question.

Guys with the same problem go to:

Set resolution:
dpi = 300;
mag = dpi / get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch');
export_fig(gcf,'filename.tif', sprintf('-m%g', mag));