From: Daniel on 13 May 2010 11:21 I am having some problems with using timer objects. I thought Matlab was "single threaded" and that timer callbacks would be placed in the event queue and only executed when a drawnow (or any of the other events that flushes the queue) occured. It does not seem to work this way. function timertest flag = false(3, 1); temp = 0; T0 = clock; start(timer('Name', 'Stupid', 'ExecutionMode', 'SingleShot', ... 'StartDelay', 0.6, 'TimerFcn', @(src, evt)disp('timer callback'))); while etime(clock, T0) < 1 if etime(clock, T0) > 0.25 && ~flag(1) disp('loop start') flag(1) = true; end if etime(clock, T0) > 0.5 && ~flag(2) disp('loop middle') flag(2) = true; end if etime(clock, T0) > 0.75 && ~flag(3) disp('loop finish') flag(3) = true; end temp = temp+1; end end The output I get is: loop start loop middle timer callback loop finish I expected the output to be: loop start loop middle loop finish timer callback Even though the timer callback should occur at 0.6 seconds, (i.e., between middle and finish), I epxected it to patiently wait in the queue until the loop finished. What am I missing? Is something in my loop flushing the event queue, or does matlab execute timer object callbacks on a seperate thread?
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