From: Leon on
Thats a fine solution with the shelll popup- I thought of something
like that in the first place but I really want a red background. I can
live with the titlebar - its only a little red blink every x secuond.

I have only done a little vbs coding and I'm not familiar wiht HTA so
I dont know the about the download prompt thing, but you have made me
very interested in HTA wich I will study soon :-)

On 30 Jul., 15:55, "Mayayana" <mayay...(a)invalid.nospam> wrote:
> Btw is there a way to leave out the minimize, maximize and close
> buttons in window title?
>   With an HTA they're partially customizable, but
> if you start an HTA programmatically you get
> a download prompt.
>   With IE6 you can design it as a system msgbox
> and do what you like, but in IE7/8 that doesn't
> work. You can't remove the "chrome", so you can't
> remove "controlbox" in the upper right or the title/URL
> on the title bar. The change was made for security
> reasons, to prevent disguising an IE window.
>    Could a MsgBox work? The WScript.Shell popup
> method allows for a timeout and seems to work
> (at least on my XP tests) as system on-top. Actually,
> the system modal flag is working for me now in a plain
> msgbox. I thought it didn't.)
> The following will show a message on-top (but not
> locking focus) for 5 seconds. 4160 is 4096 (system
> modal) + 64 (information icon).
> Dim SH, Ret
> Set SH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
> Ret = SH.Popup("Don't sell", 5, "Advice", 4160)

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