From: chetan on 22 Oct 2009 06:39 hi, i used the following code as given on net... function [Y,FS,NBITS,encoding_info,tag_info,out] = mp3read(FILE) %MP3READ Read MP3 (".mp3") sound file. % Y = MP3READ(FILE) reads a MP3 file specified by the string FILE, % returning the sampled data in Y. Amplitude values are in the range [-1,+1]. % % [Y,FS,NBITS,encoding_info,ID3v1_tag_info] = MP3READ(FILE) returns the sample rate (FS) in Hertz % and the number of bits per sample (NBITS) used to encode the % data in the file. % % 'encoding_info' is a string containing information about the mp3 % encoding used % % 'ID3v1_tag_info' is a string containing the tag information of the file % (only ID3v1 tag supported in this version) % % % Supports two channel or mono encoded data, with up to 16 bits per sample. % % See also MP3WRITE, WAVWRITE, AUREAD, AUWRITE. a = length(FILE); if a >= 4 exten = FILE(a-3:a); if exten ~= '.mp3' FILE = strcat(FILE,'.mp3'); end end if a <= 3 FILE = strcat(FILE,'.mp3'); end if exist(FILE) ~= 2 error('File not Found') end %%%%%% Location of the ".exe" Files s = which('mp3read.m'); ww = findstr('mp3read.m',s); location = s(1:ww-2); %%%%Temporary file%%%%%% tmpfile = ['temp.wav']; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Data Decoding using "mpg123.exe"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [stat,raw_info] = dos([location,'\mpg123', ' -w ', tmpfile, ' ', '"',FILE,'"']); data_init = findstr(raw_info,'MPEG'); blocks = findstr(raw_info,'[0:'); if raw_info(blocks+3) == '0' error('Error while decoding file. File may be corrupted') end [Y,FS,NBITS] = wavread(tmpfile); % Load the data and delete temporary file delete(tmpfile); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tag_info_start = strfind(raw_info,'Title'); tag_info_end = (strfind(raw_info,'Playing MPEG'))-1; tag_info = raw_info(tag_info_start:tag_info_end); encoding_info = raw_info(data_init(3):data_init(3)+53); ------------------------------------------------------------- i tried this code but error occurs:- ??? Error using ==> wavread Cannot open file. Error in ==> mp3read at 48 [Y,FS,NBITS] = wavread(tmpfile); % Load the data and delete temporary file Error in ==> Untitled3 at 1 [x,f,s]=mp3read('1sindihits11.mp3'); ----------------------------------------------------- i put all files to read in the same directory all 3 files:- mpg123.exe,mp3info.exe,mp3read.m and also i have created a new file untitled.m with code:-[x,fs,b]=mp3read('life.mp3'); sound(x); -------------------------- and included life.mp3 in that directory and run error occured.... and i put this directory in the current path too... still this error on running untitled.m ........................ pls help me ... monga_chetan2006(a) my email.
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