From: Jeff209 on
Hi everyone,

When I use the patch command to create a transparent patch, the transparency of the patch interacts with subsequent plot commands in a way that is (to me at least), unexpected. My expectation is that subsequent objects will simply be drawn "on top" of the patch. However, subsequent plot objects seem to inherit the transparency of the patch. Here's an example:

hold on;
patch([0 0 10 10],[0 10 10 0], [1 1 1], 'FaceAlpha', .5);
scatter([4 5 6], [4 5 6], 50, 'filled', 'black');

I'd like the dots in the scatter plot to be black, but they come out gray.

Searching the forum, I found similar questions, and have tried to add a z-coordinate to force the scatter plot to be "on top", but without any luck. I hope I'm not missing something obvious. Thanks for any feedback,

- Jeff