From: d on
is there any way of chenging a figure's background to be totaly transperent?
not only for printing/saving purposes, but rather for "on-line" use.
I wish to create a "second layer" on top of a video sequence presented by another program, to mark surtain locations on the frames.

would it be easier to run the video in a matlab figure and add transparent axes on top of that?

From: Omid on
You can add an axes to your plot and set its color to none. This will give you an axes object on top of the existing one and the underlying plot can be seen through. Try the following to see if it's what you want:

plot(rand(1,10), 'b') ;
h = axes;
plot(h, rand(1,20), 'r');
set(h, 'Color', 'None', 'Visible', 'off');

Setting the 'Visible' property to off hides the x-axis and y-axis.
You can also change the location of the new axes by setting it's 'Position' property.
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