From: jamuna kamaraj on

i tried to LU also, it is applicable for square matrix. but i need to take rectangular matrix l l' and m matrix are obtained from rectangular matrix. please help

"jamuna kamaraj" <jamunakamaraj(a)> wrote in message <hpub5f$894$1(a)>...
> Dear friends
> How to take triangular decomposition for a rectangular matrix. I found that kraut algorithm will do that. but i dont know about. any one knows this, kindly reply.
From: Rune Allnor on
On 12 apr, 11:09, "jamuna kamaraj" <jamunakama...(a)> wrote:
> hai
> i tried to LU also, it is applicable for square matrix.  but i need to take rectangular matrix l l' and m matrix are obtained from rectangular matrix. please help

doc qr

From: Bruno Luong on
"jamuna kamaraj" <jamunakamaraj(a)> wrote in message <hpunvf$o56$1(a)>...
> ... but i need to take rectangular matrix l l' and m matrix are obtained from rectangular matrix. please help

Sorry, I honestly can't understand what you want.

From: jamuna ramesh on
assume A is a one rectangular matrix size of (m x n). By decomposition, which is divided into 3 matrix, Lower triangular matrix L11 (n x n), Upper triangular matrix U11 (n x n) and L21 rectanugular matix (m xn). [L11; L21 ] *U11 will get actual matrix A matrix.
How can i arrive L11 L21 and U11?????????????????????????

"Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hpuptb$lva$1(a)>...
> "jamuna kamaraj" <jamunakamaraj(a)> wrote in message <hpunvf$o56$1(a)>...
> > ... but i need to take rectangular matrix l l' and m matrix are obtained from rectangular matrix. please help
> Sorry, I honestly can't understand what you want.
> Bruno
From: Bruno Luong on
"jamuna ramesh" <jamram_k(a)> wrote in message <hq1con$oaj$1(a)>...
> hai
> assume A is a one rectangular matrix size of (m x n). By decomposition, which is divided into 3 matrix, Lower triangular matrix L11 (n x n), Upper triangular matrix U11 (n x n) and L21 rectanugular matix (m xn). [L11; L21 ] *U11 will get actual matrix A matrix.
> How can i arrive L11 L21 and U11?????????????????????????

I assume the size of L21 is (m-n) x (n), otherwise the dimension do not match.

Well, just call LU on the first n-rows of A, then solve linear system for L21.


>> A=rand(5,3)
A =

0.0536 0.7411 0.8776
0.5365 0.5665 0.1244
0.7572 0.2178 0.0795
0.1169 0.5760 0.9499
0.3488 0.3651 0.5960

% Engine
>> [m n]=size(A);
>> [L11 U11]=lu(A(1:n,:));
>> L12=A(n+1:end,:)/U11;

>> L=[L11; L12];

% Check
>> L*U11

ans =

0.0536 0.7411 0.8776
0.5365 0.5665 0.1244
0.7572 0.2178 0.0795
0.1169 0.5760 0.9499
0.3488 0.3651 0.5960

>> norm(L*U11-A)/norm(A)

ans =



% Bruno