From: Quique Chacon on
Hello! I am working in a truck simulation model in simmechanics. I have achieved good results but the necessary time to carry out a 10 seconds simulation is almost 25 hours.
This is too much time for the scope of proyect. Can anybody tell me the reason of this?
-The model is a 2-axle truck with rear twin tyres, and a 3-axle semitrailer with single tyres. In the end 12 tyres are in contact with the road profile.
-I have tried to use a fixed step-size, but the necessary step-size is about 0.00001 s.!! With this fixed step-size, I have created an executable file with Real Time Workshop, and the elapsed time is almost the same.
-I have tried with the other available solver methods, but no change has been observed.
Does anybody have expierence in vehicle dynamics simulation with simmechanics?
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