From: lolguy on 24 Oct 2009 05:41 hello i got problems with UpdateResource api in whish it doesn't even does anything it either corupts program with small programs and with big programs and it doesn't do anything [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #define MIN 2 char *ReadFile(char *SzFile,int *BytesCount) { int fSize; FILE *pFile; char *Buffer; if(!(pFile=fopen(SzFile,"rb"))) return NULL; fseek(pFile,0,SEEK_END); fSize=ftell(pFile); rewind(pFile); if(!(Buffer=(char*)calloc(fSize,sizeof(char)))) return NULL; fread(Buffer,fSize,1,pFile); *BytesCount=fSize; return Buffer; } bool AddIcon(char *SzFile,char *SzIcon) { HANDLE ih; char *Buffer; int fSize=0; if(!(Buffer=ReadFile(SzIcon,&fSize)) || !(ih=BeginUpdateResource (SzFile,FALSE)) \ || !UpdateResource(ih,MAKEINTRESOURCE(3),MAKEINTRESOURCE(50), 0,Buffer+22,fSize-22) \ || !EndUpdateResource(ih,FALSE) ){ Buffer ? free(Buffer) , ih ? CloseHandle(ih) : 0 : 0; return false; } free(Buffer),CloseHandle(ih); return true; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if(argc<MIN) { printf("wrong usage: must be bigger than %d\n",MIN); return 1; } int sucess=0; for(int i=1;i<argc;i++) if(AddIcon(argv[i],argv[argc-1])) { printf("\nadded icon %s to file %s\n",argv[argc-1],argv [i]); sucess++; } printf("we succesfully added %d icons",sucess); return 0; } [/code]
From: Alain on 25 Oct 2009 07:47 "lolguy" <tbgrafix(a)> a �crit dans le message de news: df86d20b-91c2-4ded-826f-aa9fe5c6f717(a) > hello i got problems with UpdateResource api in whish it doesn't even > does anything it either corupts program with small programs and with > big programs and it doesn't do anything It's more complicated than that : you must play with Icon and Group Icons directories. There are some samples on the Web : a quick search gives that : #pragma pack( push ) #pragma pack( 2 ) typedef struct { BYTE bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image BYTE bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image BYTE bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) BYTE bReserved; // Reserved ( must be 0) WORD wPlanes; // Color Planes WORD wBitCount; // Bits per pixel DWORD dwBytesInRes; // How many bytes in this resource? } ICONDIRENTRYCOMMON, *LPICONDIRENTRYCOMMON; typedef struct { ICONDIRENTRYCOMMON common; DWORD dwImageOffset; // Where in the file is this image? } ICONDIRENTRY, *LPICONDIRENTRY; typedef struct { WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0) WORD idType; // Resource Type (1 for icons) WORD idCount; // How many images? ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) } ICONDIR, *LPICONDIR; typedef struct { ICONDIRENTRYCOMMON common; WORD nID; // the ID } GRPICONDIRENTRY, *LPGRPICONDIRENTRY; typedef struct { WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0) WORD idType; // Resource type (1 for icons) WORD idCount; // How many images? GRPICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // The entries for each image } GRPICONDIR, *LPGRPICONDIR; #pragma pack( pop ) BOOL AddIconToRes(HANDLE hRes, LPCTSTR pszFile, UINT nIconID) { void *pvFile; DWORD nSize; int f, z; ICONDIR id, *pid; GRPICONDIR *pgid; ASSERT(pszFile); if (!strlen(pszFile)) return FALSE; f = _lopen(pszFile, OF_READ); if (f == -1) return FALSE; _lread(f, &id, sizeof(id)); _llseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); pid = (ICONDIR *) malloc(sizeof(ICONDIR) + sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY) * (id.idCount - 1)); pgid = (GRPICONDIR *) malloc(sizeof(GRPICONDIR) + sizeof(GRPICONDIRENTRY) * (id.idCount - 1)); _lread(f, pid, sizeof(ICONDIR) + sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY) * (id.idCount - 1)); memcpy(pgid, pid, sizeof(GRPICONDIR)); for (z = 0; z < id.idCount; z++) { pgid->idEntries[z].common = pid->idEntries[z].common; pgid->idEntries[z].nID = z + 1; nSize = pid->idEntries[z].common.dwBytesInRes; pvFile = malloc(nSize); if (!pvFile) return _lclose(f), FALSE; _llseek(f, pid->idEntries[z].dwImageOffset, SEEK_SET); _lread(f, pvFile, nSize); UpdateResource(hRes, RT_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(z + nIconID), MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), pvFile, nSize); free(pvFile); } _lclose(f); UpdateResource(hRes, RT_GROUP_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIconID), MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), pgid, sizeof(GRPICONDIR) + sizeof(GRPICONDIRENTRY) * (id.idCount - 1)); return TRUE; }
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