From: Stricky Stricky on
hi there, I need to do more functions in one plot

f=plot(xn,a+b*xn+c*xn.^2+d*xn.^3,'Color',[k l m]); and for the points in same color as the line
plot(x,y,'x','Color',[k l m],'MarkerSize',10,'LineWidth',2)

now I want to do legend but only for functions, not for points, couse, when I type
the first row is function line in correct color with correct name - ist ok, than the programm take another cyclic round
and in the legend come up 2 new rows (there are 3 of them now), so first is ok, but second - has instead of line- mark X - as a point - named f2, and the third is again the line type of new function with correct name... why the hell is in the legend the point-plot comming up? How should I delete it from legend? thx....