From: anadev on 8 Apr 2007 23:02 Dear all, I am configuring a cisco 1841 modular to connect to clients' network using ISDN basic-net3. I have done all the configuration and after I restart the router the BRI is able to dialout using the dialer profile, reaching to username authentication and then disconnect the connection (as expected). However, after idle for some time, I cannot dial out at all. I receive unfound B channel error message. I have to reconnect the ISDN connection or do shut/noshut on the int Bri0/1/0. then it connect and perform up to the authentication. I need to know where to begin the troubleshooting and i have pasted the config and error message for "unfound B channel". I badly need help, please. Below is the snipet of the config: version 12.4 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname RPSPJ18 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! security authentication failure rate 3 log security passwords min-length 8 logging buffered 51200 informational enable secret 5 removed ! no aaa new-model ! resource policy ! mmi polling-interval 60 no mmi auto-configure no mmi pvc mmi snmp-timeout 180 ip subnet-zero no ip source-route ip cef ! ! no ip dhcp use vrf connected ! ! no ip bootp server no ip domain lookup ip host test isdn switch-type basic-net3 ! username CRB password 7 removed username rps privilege 15 removed ! ! ! interface Null0 no ip unreachables ! interface FastEthernet0/0 description $FW_INSIDE$ no ip address no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp duplex auto speed auto ! interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp duplex auto speed auto ! interface FastEthernet0/1.1 description $ETH-LAN$ encapsulation dot1Q 1 native ip address no snmp trap link-status no cdp enable ! interface BRI0/1/0 no ip address no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp encapsulation ppp dialer pool-member 2 dialer pool-member 1 dialer pool-member 3 dialer pool-member 4 isdn switch-type basic-net3 isdn point-to-point-setup isdn timeout-signaling no cdp enable ppp multilink ! interface Async0/0/0 removed! interface Async0/0/1 removed ! interface Dialer1 description connected to TEST$FW_OUTSIDE$ ip address no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp encapsulation ppp no ip split-horizon dialer pool 1 dialer remote-name TEST dialer string 21751447 dialer hold-queue 10 dialer-group 1 snapshot client 15 360 suppress-statechange-update no cdp enable ppp authentication chap ! interface Dialer2 removed! interface Dialer3 removed ! ip classless ! ip http server ! logging trap debugging logging access-list 20 permit access-list 20 permit access-list 20 deny any dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit no cdp run ! control-plane end Below is the error message I got: can anyone help me ? 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: UserIdle: callid 0x8006 received ISDN_CALL (0x0) 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: UserIdle: Call to 21751447 at 6 4 Kb/s 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 SERROR: isdn_get_guid: Cannot allocate a GUID (5) 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: isdn_get_guid: Got Guid 00004A0 4623C 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: process_bri_call: call id 0x8006 , called_number 21751447, Guid 00004A04623C speed 64, call type DATA, bchan -1 c lng_num none 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_bri_call: No name in GT D 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN 00004A04623C Error: Invalid DSL (0) SERROR: is dn_get_display_text_from_gtd: false ret 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN 00004A04623C Error: Invalid DSL (0) Error: Inv alid DSL (0) SERROR: isdn_get_mlpp_from_gtd: MLPP from GTD failed 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: isdn_i nfo=1656107124l, call_id=0x8006 ORIGINATE 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: calltr acker disabled.... 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN EVENTd: cc_clear_free_list freed 0x628B6F00 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: process_rxstate: ces/ callid 1/0x 8006 calltype 1 HOST_DISCONNECT_ACK 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_inf o=0x62B63074, call_id=0x8006 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: hndl=0l, cause=0, Unknown cause value 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 **ERROR**: host_disconnect_ack: Unfound B-channel on Disconnect_Ack call id 0x8006. Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) RPSPJ18# 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: UserIdle: callid 0x8006 received ISDN_HANGUP (0x1) 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_disconnect: call id 0x8 006, call type is DATA, b_idb 0x62B61CD8, ces 1, cause Normal call clearing(0x10 ) 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_disconnected: isd n_info=0x62B63074, call_id=0x8006 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_disconnect: Raw Release Message 30064771072:00:51539607552: 0502018006040802FF9008028090 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 **ERROR**: CCBRI_Go: NO CCB Src->HOST c all id 0x8006, event 0x5 ces 1 30064771072:00:51539607552: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: process_rxstate: ces/ callid 1/0x 8006 calltype 1 HOST_QUERY_RESPONSE
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