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I am trying to use MXXMLWriter with put_indent(VARIANT_TRUE) to get
formatted xml. It works great if the output type is BSTR. If i set a
DOMDocument as the output type, i get an empty document when i save. If this
sounds familiar, please let me know what's wrong.

CComPtr<IMXWriter> pWriter;
HRESULT hr = pWriter.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MXXMLWriter), NULL);

CComPtr<ISAXXMLReader> pReader;
hr = pReader.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(SAXXMLReader), NULL);

CComQIPtr<ISAXContentHandler> pContentHandler(pWriter);
hr = pReader->putContentHandler(pContentHandler);

IXMLDOMDocumentPtr pXMLDom = NULL ;
__uuidof(IXMLDOMDocument), (void**)&pXMLDom) ;
pXMLDom->put_async(VARIANT_FALSE) ;
pXMLDom->put_validateOnParse(VARIANT_FALSE) ;
pXMLDom->put_resolveExternals(VARIANT_FALSE) ;
pXMLDom->put_preserveWhiteSpace(VARIANT_FALSE) ;

CComVariant var((LPUNKNOWN)pXMLDom) ;
hr = pWriter->put_output(var);
pWriter->put_indent(VARIANT_TRUE) ;

hr = pReader->parseURL(szFile) ;
CComVariant savefile(_T("c:\\1.xml")) ;
pXMLDom->save(savefile) ;

The xml i use to test is -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Root><Child>Node Value = 0</Child><Child>Node Value = 1</Child><Child>Node
Value = 2</Child><Child>Node Value = 3</Child><Child>Node Value =
4</Child><Child>Node Value = 5</Child><Child>Node Value =
6</Child><Child>Node Value = 7</Child><Child>Node Value =
8</Child><Child>Node Value = 9</Child></Root>
