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From: aashay vanarase on 19 Mar 2010 02:00 > If you want to find out which file was selected, then get() the Value of the > uicontrol, and get() the String property of the uicontrol, and index the > String property by the value. > i cant seem to get the 'string' that is currently selected from the whole dropdown list... i want the selected string, not the whole list of all options of the string value
From: Husam Aldahiyat on 19 Mar 2010 02:28 "aashay vanarase" <aashayv(a)> wrote in message <hnv3t7$m4j$1(a)>... > > > If you want to find out which file was selected, then get() the Value of the > > uicontrol, and get() the String property of the uicontrol, and index the > > String property by the value. > > > i cant seem to get the 'string' that is currently selected from the whole dropdown list... i want the selected string, not the whole list of all options of the string value use a = get(handle,'string') % whole strings b = get(handles,'value') % index of selected string c = a{b}; % selected string
From: aashay vanarase on 19 Mar 2010 08:23 H1 = findobj(gcf,'Tag','popupmenu'); a = get(H1,'string') % whole strings b = get(H1,'value') % index of selected string c = a{b}; % selected string where should i put this prog so that value is updated every time user selects diff item in drop down list.. i am facing this prob as my popup list is generated in the callback of a push button... here's my prog... function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) location=uigetdir; imagefiles=dir(location); imagenames= {'select faulty image'}; for index = 1:length(imagefiles) singlefile= imagefiles(index).name; [folder, name, extension, version] = fileparts(singlefile); extension = lower(extension); switch (extension) case {'.jpg'} imagenames = [imagenames; singlefile]; otherwise end end h = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu', 'String', imagenames,'Position',[100 200 200 10],'callback','dispimg'); imagenames = get(h,'String') iv=get(h,'value') callback 'dispimg' is: H1 = findobj(gcf,'Tag','popupmenu'); a = get(H1,'string') % whole strings b = get(H1,'value') % index of selected string c = a{b}; % selected string here iv always displays '1' as it is set before user has a chance to select, but when i try to get value in the call back, i get empty sets... when i change selected object it returns a = [] val = []
From: aashay vanarase on 19 Mar 2010 08:24 H1 = findobj(gcf,'Tag','popupmenu'); a = get(H1,'string') % whole strings b = get(H1,'value') % index of selected string c = a{b}; % selected string where should i put this prog so that value is updated every time user selects diff item in drop down list.. i am facing this prob as my popup list is generated in the callback of a push button... here's my prog... function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) location=uigetdir; imagefiles=dir(location); imagenames= {'select faulty image'}; for index = 1:length(imagefiles) singlefile= imagefiles(index).name; [folder, name, extension, version] = fileparts(singlefile); extension = lower(extension); switch (extension) case {'.jpg'} imagenames = [imagenames; singlefile]; otherwise end end h = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu', 'String', imagenames,'Position',[100 200 200 10],'callback','dispimg'); imagenames = get(h,'String') iv=get(h,'value') callback 'dispimg' is: H1 = findobj(gcf,'Tag','popupmenu'); a = get(H1,'string') % whole strings b = get(H1,'value') % index of selected string c = a{b}; % selected string here iv always displays '1' as it is set before user has a chance to select, but when i try to get value in the call back, i get empty sets... when i change selected object it returns a = [] val = []
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