From: dpb on
samik bhattacharya wrote:
> dpb <none(a)> wrote in message
> <i1ieag$f37$1(a)>...
>> I missed this, too, first go but--look _very_ carefully at the format
>> string and the data line at the location where the first go-round
>> failed and see if you see the problem therein.
>> --hi,
> I did not quite get your procedure. To use textscan I need to know the
> exact format. But I tried to use c=textscan(fp,'%s %f\t %s %f\t %s %f\t
> %s %f');
> OR
> c=textscan(fp,'%s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f ');
> none worked
> anyway, thanks again for your effort
> samik

You don't need any more exact knowledge w/ textscan than you do w/ fscanf

The difficulty in the first that I was point you at is in the following...

The data line--
Step = 1 z = 0.0000 U_pitot= 8.030 U = 7.168

To read this, I used the following line of codes:

Note there's no string 'U=' in the data line.

>> l='Step = 1 z = 0.0000 U_pitot = 8.030 U= 7.168';
>> v=sscanf(l,'%*s = %f%*s = %f%*s = %f%*s%f')
v =

I've a version that predates textscan() here so can't actually do an
example, but the above should be a hint.

From: samik bhattacharya on
dpb <none(a)> wrote in message <i1ilu9$icb$1(a)>...
> samik bhattacharya wrote:
> > dpb <none(a)> wrote in message
> > <i1ieag$f37$1(a)>...
> ...
> >> I missed this, too, first go but--look _very_ carefully at the format
> >> string and the data line at the location where the first go-round
> >> failed and see if you see the problem therein.
> >>
> >> --hi,
> > I did not quite get your procedure. To use textscan I need to know the
> > exact format. But I tried to use c=textscan(fp,'%s %f\t %s %f\t %s %f\t
> > %s %f');
> > OR
> > c=textscan(fp,'%s %f %s %f %s %f %s %f ');
> > none worked
> > anyway, thanks again for your effort
> > samik
> You don't need any more exact knowledge w/ textscan than you do w/ fscanf
> The difficulty in the first that I was point you at is in the following...
> The data line--
> Step = 1 z = 0.0000 U_pitot= 8.030 U = 7.168
> To read this, I used the following line of codes:
> ...
> s=fscanf(fp,'U=%f');
> Note there's no string 'U=' in the data line.
> >> l='Step = 1 z = 0.0000 U_pitot = 8.030 U= 7.168';
> >> v=sscanf(l,'%*s = %f%*s = %f%*s = %f%*s%f')
> v =
> 1.0000
> 0
> 8.0300
> 7.1680
> >>
> I've a version that predates textscan() here so can't actually do an
> example, but the above should be a hint.
> --Hi,
Ya I just ignored the '=' sign and wrote s=fscanf(fp,'%*s%f\t') to read U = 7.168 and it worked. But why it ignores'=' for this particular case?