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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 16 Jul 2010 04:14 Alright, so I have a method, now all I need are conjectures waited to be conquered after I sharpen my sword. So let me recap how the method works. I use Indirect Euclid Infinitude of Primes which retrieves two new primes not on the list I started with. I weave into the Indirect method the Mathematical Induction in case the primes need identification as a Euclid Number. This method proved the Infinitude of Mersenne Primes and the Infinitude of Perfect Numbers. So I take a peek at any other open conjectures of prime infinity. --- quoting in parts from Wikipedia with notes below --- Many conjectures deal with the question whether an infinity of prime numbers subject to certain constraints exists. It is conjectured that there are infinitely many Fibonacci primes[24] and infinitely many Mersenne primes, but not Fermat primes.[25] It is not known whether or not there are an infinite number of prime Euclid numbers. --- end quoting --- Fibonacci sequence and primes: 0,1, 1, 2 , 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . . 2, 3, 5, 13, 89, 233, 1597, 28657, 514229, 433494437, 2971215073, .... Fermat primes F= (2^2^n) +1 3, 5, 17, 257, 65537, 4294967297, 18446744073709551617, Euclid numbers The first few Euclid numbers are 3, 7, 31, 211, 2311, 30031, 510511 --- end notes from Wikipedia --- Alright, the Math Induction was able to make the suppose true for N case, able to show that the N+1 case was another Mersenne form number of (2^p) of the (2^p)-1. Can I do the same for Fermat primes of form (2^2^n) +1? In other words, if I suppose true for the case N that Euclid's Number without the adding of 1 or subtracting of 1 is another form of (2^2^n), then, just like Mersenne primes I will have proved an infinitude of Fermat primes. Quite honestly I think I can show that via Math Induction with the suppose for case N that the Euclid Number is (2^2^n) that the case N+1 can be finagled to be another form of (2^2^n), the reason I say this is because we can reiterate the primes listed in the sequence as many times as we like and when we divide them into Euclid's Number they still leave a remainder. For example, if 2,3 are the only primes that exist and I set up Euclid's Number to be (2x3x2x3x2x3x2x3...) then either add 1 or subtract 1, the division by 2 and 3 will still leave a remainder of 1. So in the case of Fermat's primes, it looks as though the Math Induction delivers a Fermat's prime for the N+1 case. And thus Fermat's primes are infinite, contrary to what Wikipedia wrote. As for Prime-Euclid-Numbers they are infinite set by the trivial proof from Twin Primes being infinite. So the proof is trivial since Twin Primes are infinite. As for the Fibonacci primes, I do not see them fitting into a Math Induction template. So I am going to sleep on this one. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |