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From: Lynn McGuire on 28 Jun 2010 20:21 How would one support a variant data type in modern (post f77) ? I am writing some OLE code today (in C++ though) and have run across the OLE VARIANT data type: I would either use equivalences or a structure / map / union / record. Thanks, Lynn
From: Ron Shepard on 28 Jun 2010 22:04 In article <i0beav$ps2$1(a)>, Lynn McGuire <lmc(a)> wrote: > How would one support a variant data type in modern (post f77) ? I am > writing some OLE code today (in C++ though) and have run across the OLE > VARIANT data type: > > I would either use equivalences or a structure / map / union / record. This is for passing some item to a routine in another language, right? I would probably pack/unpack the bits using either transfer() or internal I/O. $.02 -Ron Shepard
From: e p chandler on 29 Jun 2010 00:11 "Ron Shepard" <ron-shepard(a)> wrote in message news:ron-shepard-EAE3DE.21043628062010(a) > In article <i0beav$ps2$1(a)>, > Lynn McGuire <lmc(a)> wrote: > >> How would one support a variant data type in modern (post f77) ? I am >> writing some OLE code today (in C++ though) and have run across the OLE >> VARIANT data type: >> >> >> I would either use equivalences or a structure / map / union / record. > > This is for passing some item to a routine in another language, right? > I would probably pack/unpack the bits using either transfer() or > internal I/O. > > $.02 -Ron Shepard IIRC, DVF/CVF/IVF treat a variant as a derived type, but the innards are buried in supplied modules and libraries. I've only done Office Automation from VBA, where it's easy. Yes, some people deride VB/VBA as junk. Whether its wretchedness under the hood is deserved, I don't know. Elliot
From: Lynn McGuire on 30 Jun 2010 15:00 > How would one support a variant data type in modern (post f77) ? I am > writing some OLE code today (in C++ though) and have run across the OLE > VARIANT data type: Here is the C version from from oaidl.h: typedef /* [wire_marshal] */ struct tagVARIANT VARIANT; struct tagVARIANT { union { struct __tagVARIANT { VARTYPE vt; WORD wReserved1; WORD wReserved2; WORD wReserved3; union { LONGLONG llVal; LONG lVal; BYTE bVal; SHORT iVal; FLOAT fltVal; DOUBLE dblVal; VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; _VARIANT_BOOL bool; SCODE scode; CY cyVal; DATE date; BSTR bstrVal; IUnknown *punkVal; IDispatch *pdispVal; SAFEARRAY *parray; BYTE *pbVal; SHORT *piVal; LONG *plVal; LONGLONG *pllVal; FLOAT *pfltVal; DOUBLE *pdblVal; VARIANT_BOOL *pboolVal; _VARIANT_BOOL *pbool; SCODE *pscode; CY *pcyVal; DATE *pdate; BSTR *pbstrVal; IUnknown **ppunkVal; IDispatch **ppdispVal; SAFEARRAY **pparray; VARIANT *pvarVal; PVOID byref; CHAR cVal; USHORT uiVal; ULONG ulVal; ULONGLONG ullVal; INT intVal; UINT uintVal; DECIMAL *pdecVal; CHAR *pcVal; USHORT *puiVal; ULONG *pulVal; ULONGLONG *pullVal; INT *pintVal; UINT *puintVal; struct __tagBRECORD { PVOID pvRecord; IRecordInfo *pRecInfo; } __VARIANT_NAME_4; } __VARIANT_NAME_3; } __VARIANT_NAME_2; DECIMAL decVal; } __VARIANT_NAME_1; } ; Whew!, Lynn
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