From: David W. Hodgins on
On Sun, 04 Jul 2010 18:49:40 -0400, J G Miller <miller(a)> wrote:

> If vim is running in a terminal, how can RESOURCE_MANAGER have any
> affect on the output of vim, which does not have code for reading
> RESOURCE_MANAGER properties? vim is not an X11 program, although
> gvim is, being GTK based.

Then why does it have the -X option?

> If RESOURCE_MANAGER properties are relevant, then they will be
> for the settings of the terminal in which the vim process is
> running, if it is xterm, rxvt, urxvt etc.

Did you look at the output I suggested? On my system ...
$ xrdb -query|grep Vim
Vim*background: black
Vim*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-15-*5
Vim*foreground: lightyellow
Vim*geometry: 88x35
Vim*menuBackground: black
Vim*menuForeground: moccasin

> To the best of my knowledge neither Gnome Terminal nor Konsole
> consult the RESOURCE_MANAGER properties.

The reason I thought of this, was that I found out that the xrdb
settings do affect my web browser, opera (for anti-aliasing). With
KDE and Gnome, the settings will be controlled by the Appearance
dialog, while with most other desktop managers, they have to be set
manually. I don't know if KDE and Gnome read the settings at start
up, but they do alter the settings, for applications that use them.

I learned this from a thread earlier today, in opera.linux.

Regards, Dave Hodgins

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From: Cat 22 on
J G Miller wrote:

> On Sunday, July 4th, 2010 at 14:05:22h -0700, Cat 22 wrote:
>> I have this in my ~/.vimrc but no matter what colors i choose
>> below nothing changes when i restart vim (in console, not gui)
> Does syntax higlighting work for you at all?
yes, it (syntax highlighting) seems ok. I mostly want to change the
colors associated with the search highlighting. At the moment
thats set for gray text on cyan background. The rest of the coloring
looks quite good actually, its just this one thing i'd like to tweak
up a bit.

> If it does, then ignore this irrelevant suggestion.
> So ...
> For syntax highlighting to work you have to pull in the necessary
> files from the vim<version> directory, which is done with the
> runtimepath variable.
> I have mine set to
> set
> ~/.vim/after
> If I do not have the correct version set above as in
> /usr/share/vim/vim72
> I get no colors at all. Set your version number appropriately
> according to the directory name on your system.

From: Cat 22 on
Jim Whitby wrote:

> On Sun, 04 Jul 2010 14:05:22 -0700, Cat 22 wrote:
> <snip>
>> Another oddity, is vim isnt using my ~/.vimrc unless i specify vim
>> -u ~/.vimrc <filename>
>> BTW: i cant find an official document detailing the settings in
>> .vimrc - is there such a thing around anywhere?
>> system: mandriva 2010.0 x86_64
>> vim: version 7.2.259
>> Thanks
>> Cat22
> A good starting place is:
Ok -thanks, I'll study that doc
From: J G Miller on
On Sun, 04 Jul 2010 19:06:18 -0400, David W. Hodgins wrote:

> Then why does it have the -X option?

Apologies I had overlooked that.

If vim *is* compiled with the HAVE_X11 option, then you can run vim
(not gvim) as an X11 program in a separate window with the -g option.

But in this case, Cat 22 has already stated that he/she is running
vim in a terminal and not in a separate GUI, so any RESOURCE_MANAGER
settings will not apply as I stated.

> Did you look at the output I suggested? On my system ... $ xrdb
> -query|grep Vim

And those settings will only apply to a separate Vim window when
vim is invoked with -g, not when it is running in a terminal.

> The reason I thought of this, was that I found out that the xrdb
> settings do affect my web browser, opera (for anti-aliasing).

Yes, that is correct. It all depends on the particular application,
and which XRESOURCE_MANAGER settings or applications default file
settings they bother to read and use.

> I don't know if KDE and Gnome read the settings at start up, but they do
> alter the settings, for applications that use them.

In *general* GNOME and KDE programs do not consult XRESOURCE_MANAGER or
application default files settings. GNOME applications uses the gtkrc
settings for colors and style. KDE uses the equivalent files in the
kde directory tree.
From: Cat 22 on
Cat 22 wrote:

> I have this in my ~/.vimrc but no matter what colors i choose below
> nothing changes when i restart vim (in console, not gui)
> What i really want to do, is change the search highlighting colors
> but until i can get them to change i cant experiment with the color
> selection.
> if has("syntax")
> syntax on " Syntax highlighting
> endif
> highlight search ctermbg=green ctermfg=yellow
> I also tried
> :highlight search ctermbg=green ctermfg=yellow
> :highlight search cterm=Bold ctermbg=green ctermfg=yellow
> from within vim but nothing seems to change
> Another oddity, is vim isnt using my ~/.vimrc unless i specify
> vim -u ~/.vimrc <filename>
> BTW: i cant find an official document detailing the settings in
> .vimrc - is there such a thing around anywhere?
> system: mandriva 2010.0 x86_64
> vim: version 7.2.259
> Thanks
> Cat22

I have it now, there are "vimrc" files all over the place (under
various names like .evimrc /etc/vim/.vimrc
/usr/share/some_other_thing)and they interfere with each other
apparently. Anyway, i delete my home dir .vimrc and re ran vim, then
did a :mkvimrc! to create a new home directory based .vimrc and i
modifed that and its doing the color changes ok.
The doc link supplied by Jim Whitby is especially helpful
Thanks All