From: mahmud_dbm on
Dear Sir,
Back with Questions again, i was trying some random analysis and got something now,
Now the problem is i'm not getting what i did.. it is here..

T = wpdec(x,2,'haar');
cfs = read(T,'allcfs');

this was about our packet decomposition and we got all the coefficients fine, now the same thing i.e upsampling then passing through HPFs and LPFs would do one level IDWT, so i used that here and i made the tree structure using loops,

for j=1:log2(N)
for i=1:N/2^j
x=y;clear y;
say N=64;

Both the cases i should get the same performance.. Yes BER is same in both the cases, but other features like signal peak value, deviations are different. :((

Now my Question is, Internally are they doing the same Job..? from my Tree Structure and Transformation point of view.. or how'd you say this, because i hope i made idwt to work exactly the same as wpdec using that loop.

thank you sir..