From: Jesus arteche on
Hi guys,

Can anyone tell me if a web client for openvpn or another vpn server
exists????...or something like a firefox plugin that makesthe user doesnt
install an aplication for using the vpn?

thank you very much
From: Bob Proulx on
Jesus arteche wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if a web client for openvpn or another vpn server
> exists????...or something like a firefox plugin that makesthe user doesnt
> install an aplication for using the vpn?

A web client for OpenVPN doesn't really make sense to me. OpenVPN
creates a system level encrypted network connection. It joins
networks together. But a browser is a userland appliance. It
wouldn't have the permission to do anything outside at the system
level. That would require reaching out of the sandbox.

Also, if you are asking if you could do something inside the browser
only then the browser already supports https protocol with SSL
connections. Those are already encrypted connections. The client
side browser already has full support for all of this.

On the other hand you may be asking if there is a server side module
that could be created on a system so that you could use your web
browser to connect in a way similar to ssh or something to provide
access? Those do exist but I don't use them myself and so don't know
of one to suggest off the top of my head.

Also, depending upon what you are trying to do you might be able to
use one of the userland fusefs applications. Using sshfs for example
you can mount another host's filesystem on the local machine. You can
browse files, edit files, and mostly full access, all over the secure
ssh connection and all in userland.

$ apt-cache show sshfs

Description: filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol
sshfs is a filesystem client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol.
Since most SSH servers already support this protocol it is very easy
to set up: i.e. on the server side there's nothing to do. On the
client side mounting the filesystem is as easy as logging into the
server with ssh.
