From: "nobody >" on
Trevor Smithson wrote:
> Realized it's been just about ten years since I first got broadband
> service. Back then I paid paid $55 a month for 128kb/s up, 512kb/s
> down.
> These days I pay $35 for 1,500kb/s up, 12,000kb/s down.

Many years ago (about 1997 IIRC), GTE (now Verizon) called me to see if
I wanted to participate in a DSL betatest. They were offering "up to"
512 kbs down, and 128 up. Their price was $80/mo. I told them I'd love
to, but that their "local outside plant" couldn't do it. They said they
would check on that, three days later they called back to tell me I was

So it was back to 38-52 kbs on dialup till about 2000. Comcast started
offering cable broadband in my immediate area. IIRC, it was $75 for "up
to" 1.5 mbs down, 384 up.

I looked at that. I tried it from a friend's house, but immediately said
"no fscking way" after finding that I could connect to damned near
everybody else's machine in the neighborhood without even trying hard.
Also, their connection speed would drop to less than dialup during peak
times. Pass.....

2003, Verizon (VZ) started offering DSL here, $40 for "up to" 1.5mbs
down, 512 up. I took it, and it wasn't bad. I'd occasionally see
1.3m/450 but usually got 1.1m/350. Service was generally good, but
failures were usually "local loop copper" as I was close to the 15k feet
limit. But, there was little "afternoon/evening traffic jam". I'd only
have "IP lease" problems about once a week, a simple hard reset or
"release/renew" would take care of that.

Comcast started pushing "improved broadband" as part of the "Triple Play
package" here in 2006. They were offering 5mb/1mb for $39 or $33 on "the
package". Again, I tried it from a neighbor's house. Still "droopy
speed" from peak loading and loose security,but a whole lot better than

I almost did go to Comcast, but VZ started doing FiOS in my area (I knew
that when I saw my telco service drop had an extra cable on it, and the
end had a fiber fitting).

We went the FiOS "triple play" of phone/broadband/TV in 2007, the
broadband was 4mb/1mb at (guessing a third of the package) $34.

Download speed test comparison
Your Speed Result 9.842 Mbps
Upload speed test comparison
Your Speed Result 2.532 Mbps

Supposedly, I can call VZ for a free upgrade to 15 Mbs..

From: TVeblen on
On 2/5/2010 5:05 PM, Trevor Smithson wrote:
> Realized it's been just about ten years since I first got broadband
> service. Back then I paid paid $55 a month for 128kb/s up, 512kb/s
> down.
> These days I pay $35 for 1,500kb/s up, 12,000kb/s down.

2005. $42.95 to Comcast. 3Mb/sec down, 800kb/sec up.
From: Man-wai Chang to The Door (24000bps) on

Issue Date 09/01/2001


Service Charges
Cut Off Date Description
27/12 - 26/01 B.Band Rental(20hrsPAYG)
29/12 B.Band Line Install Fee
Total Service Charges

Usage/Storage Charges
Cut Off Date Description
03/01 Broadband usage-2446Mins
Total Usage / Storage Charges

On 06-Feb-10 06:05, Trevor Smithson wrote:
> Realized it's been just about ten years since I first got broadband
> service. Back then I paid paid $55 a month for 128kb/s up, 512kb/s
> down.
> These days I pay $35 for 1,500kb/s up, 12,000kb/s down.

@~@ Might, Courage, Vision, SINCERITY.
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and Farce be with you!
/( _ )\ (x86_64 Ubuntu 9.10) Linux
^ ^ 21:36:01 up 7 days 5:42 2 users load average: 0.02 0.07 0.02
不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):
From: Man-wai Chang to The Door (24000bps) on
On 06-Feb-10 21:38, Man-wai Chang to The Door (24000bps) wrote:
> Issue Date 09/01/2001

note: Hong Kong Dollars

@~@ Might, Courage, Vision, SINCERITY.
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and Farce be with you!
/( _ )\ (x86_64 Ubuntu 9.10) Linux
^ ^ 21:39:01 up 7 days 5:45 2 users load average: 0.01 0.05 0.01
不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):
From: Rick on
Trevor Smithson wrote:
> Realized it's been just about ten years since I first got broadband
> service. Back then I paid paid $55 a month for 128kb/s up, 512kb/s
> down.
> These days I pay $35 for 1,500kb/s up, 12,000kb/s down.
It the cost is probably determined by where you live. We pay around
$50.00/mo and in Northern California I can get identical service for
about $35.00/mo Here we have no competition in areas where there is a
greater population density I am guessing that there is more competition.


Fargo, ND
N 46�53'251"
W 096�48'279"

Remember the USS Liberty

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