From: mukta on
i am trying to do a program in matlab which requires to take input as images from web-cam.
i have succeeded in doing so. but have no idea where these images are actually stored.
i have to do it manually always, but my project requires it to be stored automatically.
can u please tell me how to save these images directly to a folder and guide me on how to retrieve it back when required.
thank you. your guidance will be of great help.
From: ImageAnalyst on
They're probably saved in the "current folder" - type cd or pwd to see
what that is. However I don't think that's good programming
practice. I think you should explictly set your folder and then use
fullfile() to save your images with known filenames in a known
location rather than just saving them in whatever the current folder
happens to be. Perhaps even have a "Specify folder..." button on your
GUI which will allow your user to say which folder they'd like to save
images into.
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