From: Matt J on 2 Jun 2010 10:17 "JOHN pip" <johny-pip(a)> wrote in message <hu5apj$db1$1(a)>... > And can i somehow constrain gi to integers when using fmincon in order to reduce the number of feasibles solutions?Is there any option that can do this? ================ Why not just stick with exhaustive search? The number of feasible solutions numbers at just a few thousand at most, for any given set of parameters p1,p2,p3. If you efficiently code the computation of your nonlinear constraints and objective function, you should eb able to solve it in the blink of an eye.
From: JOHN pip on 6 Jun 2010 11:00 "Matt J " <mattjacREMOVE(a)THISieee.spam> wrote in message <hu5p51$e1r$1(a)>... > "JOHN pip" <johny-pip(a)> wrote in message <hu5apj$db1$1(a)>... > > > And can i somehow constrain gi to integers when using fmincon in order to reduce the number of feasibles solutions?Is there any option that can do this? > ================ > > Why not just stick with exhaustive search? The number of feasible solutions numbers at just a few thousand at most, for any given set of parameters p1,p2,p3. If you efficiently code the computation of your nonlinear constraints and objective function, you should eb able to solve it in the blink of an eye. First of all i would like to say that i highly appreciate your help,and by the way i would like to ask you one more thing. So when i run fmincon using exactly all the parametres above and if the initial start for the gi is between lb and ub,fmincon returns as a result for the gi exactly the values of the initial start.Is this propper to happen somethin like this and if not what should i do?Shall i try another matlab function? Here is what exactly the m-file of running fmincon looks like: format long clear,clc warning('off','MATLAB:dispatcher:InexactMatch'); A=[1 -1 0; 0 1 -1; -1 0 0; 1 1 1]; B=[-1; -1; -10; 89]; options=optimset('Algorithm','interior-point','Display','iter','derivativecheck','on','diagnostics','on','FunValCheck','on','FinDiffType','central'); options=optimset(options,'TolX',1e-6,'TolFun',1e-8,'TolCon',1e-8,'MaxFunEvals',3000,'MaxIter',300); [X,TC,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,LAMBDA]=fmincon(@adikimeniki,[10 11 12],A,B,[],[],[10 11 12],[89 89 89],@periorismoi,options); Wher A,B are the linear constaints adikimeniki is the objfun and periorismoi is the non linear constaints. Thank you in advance!
From: Matt J on 6 Jun 2010 11:14 "JOHN pip" <johny-pip(a)> wrote in message <hugd5l$fb2$1(a)>... > So when i run fmincon using exactly all the parametres above and if the initial start for the gi is between lb and ub,fmincon returns as a result for the gi exactly the values of the initial start. Is this propper to happen somethin like this ========================== Only if the gi are already optimal or stationary. and if not what should i do?Shall i try another matlab function? ============= I've already advised you to stick with exhaustive search. If you insist on using fmincon, you should probably look for a bug in your objfun.
From: JOHN pip on 6 Jun 2010 11:53 "Matt J " <mattjacREMOVE(a)THISieee.spam> wrote in message <hugdvr$99d$1(a)>... > "JOHN pip" <johny-pip(a)> wrote in message <hugd5l$fb2$1(a)>... > > > So when i run fmincon using exactly all the parametres above and if the initial start for the gi is between lb and ub,fmincon returns as a result for the gi exactly the values of the initial start. Is this propper to happen somethin like this > ========================== > > Only if the gi are already optimal or stationary. > > and if not what should i do?Shall i try another matlab function? > ============= > > I've already advised you to stick with exhaustive search. If you insist on using fmincon, you should probably look for a bug in your objfun. I insist on using fmincon because in my problem i aslo have to give some specific initial start and compare this to exhaustive.I m sorry but what does exactly bug means?
From: Richard Crozier on 6 Jun 2010 12:46 "JOHN pip" <johny-pip(a)> wrote in message <hugg8v$8b3$1(a)>... > "Matt J " <mattjacREMOVE(a)THISieee.spam> wrote in message <hugdvr$99d$1(a)>... > > "JOHN pip" <johny-pip(a)> wrote in message <hugd5l$fb2$1(a)>... > > > > > So when i run fmincon using exactly all the parametres above and if the initial start for the gi is between lb and ub,fmincon returns as a result for the gi exactly the values of the initial start. Is this propper to happen somethin like this > > ========================== > > > > Only if the gi are already optimal or stationary. > > > > and if not what should i do?Shall i try another matlab function? > > ============= > > > > I've already advised you to stick with exhaustive search. If you insist on using fmincon, you should probably look for a bug in your objfun. > > > I insist on using fmincon because in my problem i aslo have to give some specific initial start and compare this to exhaustive.I m sorry but what does exactly bug means? A 'bug' in a program is another name for an error in the program resulting in an unexpected output, if this is what you are asking. see:
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