From: Juliette Salexa on
Hello, I tried:


% Elapsed time is 0.000502 seconds.
% Elapsed time is 3.609380 seconds.
% Elapsed time is 0.161011 seconds.
% Elapsed time is 0.297674 seconds.


Which I found strange because the last computation does the same number of summations as the second last, but doesn't have to do any multiplying!

For sparse matrices the difference is even bigger:


% Elapsed time is 0.049862 seconds.
% Elapsed time is 70.757589 seconds.
% Elapsed time is 0.026991 seconds.
% Elapsed time is 0.206313 seconds.


A multiplying AND adding is 10 times faster than just adding ?

Does anyone have any idea why this is true ?
From: Walter Roberson on
Juliette Salexa wrote:
> Hello, I tried:
> n=round(7^4.5);
> tic;a=rand(n,1);toc;
> tic;b=rand(n,n);toc;
> tic;sum(b*a);toc;
> tic;sum(sum(b));toc;
> % Elapsed time is 0.000502 seconds.
> % Elapsed time is 3.609380 seconds.
> % Elapsed time is 0.161011 seconds.
> % Elapsed time is 0.297674 seconds.
> -----------------
> Which I found strange because the last computation does the same number
> of summations as the second last, but doesn't have to do any multiplying!

For non-sparse matrices, the time difference disappears if you put the
commands into a function file and allow the Just In Time (JIT) compiler to
work its magic.

If you also add


then that will take almost exactly twice as long as the nested sum() calls,
even though it only has to compute a single sum instead lf n+1 sums. This
suggests that the computation time is dominated by copying the matrices rather
than by the arithmetic operations.