From: Haris Bogdanovi� on

How to install wxcl ?
I tried first installing asdf.lisp but I get an error
<PACKAGE POSIX> has no external symbol with name "UID"


From: rurban on
On 13 Mrz., 11:48, "Haris Bogdanoviæ" <fbogdano...(a)> wrote:
> How to install wxcl ?
> I tried first installing asdf.lisp but I get an error
> <PACKAGE POSIX> has no external symbol with name "UID"

If this is mingw clisp, this was discussed on the clisp mailinglist.
asdf should patch that, as a UID makes no sense on windows.
From: Haris Bogdanovic on
This is windows clisp.
Can you give me some link, where to read to get this installed ?
