From: Ian Dew-Becker on
I'm finding that to do an elementwise power, exp(a*log(x)) is about twice as fast as x.^a in many, though not all cases. Does anybody know why this is? I'm wondering if there's a general lesson here about computation speed.

In particular, try

>> tic; magic(100).^(20); toc
Elapsed time is 0.004556 seconds.

>> tic; exp(20*log(magic(100))); toc
Elapsed time is 0.002557 seconds.

this doesn't seem to work for all possible exponents, though. For example, magic(100).^9 works the same both ways. magic(100).^(-9) is again twice as fast using exp
From: Ian Dew-Becker on
actually, do this instead, it doesn't involve such huge exponents,

>> tic; magic(100).^(.2); toc
Elapsed time is 0.004058 seconds.
>> tic; exp(.2*log(magic(100))); toc
Elapsed time is 0.002598 seconds.