From: Andy Hennig on

I would like to calculate an autocorrelation for a quite long input-vector, at least longer than the magical 2^20 for which "xcorr" can be used.

In the documentary it says: "If you need to process longer sequences, see dfilt.fftfir." As this is not my field of expertise I looked for examples to use on the internet but couldn't find none.

Does anyone have any experience on how to calculate an autocorrelation on vectors longer than 2^20 numbers?

I'd appreciate any feedback on this,

From: Bruno Luong on
Andy Hennig <phoenixasche(a)> wrote in message <572026583.88016.1273234762059.JavaMail.root(a)>...
> Hello,
> I would like to calculate an autocorrelation for a quite long input-vector, at least longer than the magical 2^20 for which "xcorr" can be used.
> In the documentary it says: "If you need to process longer sequences, see dfilt.fftfir." As this is not my field of expertise I looked for examples to use on the internet but couldn't find none.
> Does anyone have any experience on how to calculate an autocorrelation on vectors longer than 2^20 numbers?

Well, I'l mot sure if the document is up-to-date. I try

>> x=rand(2^22,1); y=rand(size(x));
>> c=xcorr(x,y);
>> size(c) % 2^23-1 elements

ans =

8388607 1

It works just fine.

From: Mark Shore on
"Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hs11l8$5je$1(a)>...
> Andy Hennig <phoenixasche(a)> wrote in message <572026583.88016.1273234762059.JavaMail.root(a)>...
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > I would like to calculate an autocorrelation for a quite long input-vector, at least longer than the magical 2^20 for which "xcorr" can be used.
> >
> > In the documentary it says: "If you need to process longer sequences, see dfilt.fftfir." As this is not my field of expertise I looked for examples to use on the internet but couldn't find none.
> >
> > Does anyone have any experience on how to calculate an autocorrelation on vectors longer than 2^20 numbers?
> Well, I'l mot sure if the document is up-to-date. I try
> >> x=rand(2^22,1); y=rand(size(x));
> >> c=xcorr(x,y);
> >> size(c) % 2^23-1 elements
> ans =
> 8388607 1
> It works just fine.
> Bruno

I was able to do the same with x=rand(2^25,1) using 2010a x64, although my computer hung with 2^26. Guess the documentation *is* out of date.
From: EE Student on
Andy Hennig <phoenixasche(a)> wrote in message <572026583.88016.1273234762059.JavaMail.root(a)>...
> Hello,
> I would like to calculate an autocorrelation for a quite long input-vector, at least longer than the magical 2^20 for which "xcorr" can be used.
> In the documentary it says: "If you need to process longer sequences, see dfilt.fftfir." As this is not my field of expertise I looked for examples to use on the internet but couldn't find none.
> Does anyone have any experience on how to calculate an autocorrelation on vectors longer than 2^20 numbers?
> I'd appreciate any feedback on this,
> eisvogel
> xcorr:
> dfilt.fftfir:

Assuming x1 is input 1 and has length L1, x2 is input 2 and has length L2 are you speciffically looking for an output with with length L1+L2 - 1? If not you may be able to calulate a circular auto correlation such that cc = fftshift(real(ifft(fft(x1).*conj(fft(x1))))). I dont know if this will allow you to calculate vectors longer than2^25 but its worth a shot
From: Andy Hennig on
Dear Nicholas,

you are right, I only need one side of the autocorrelation. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the term "circular autocorrelation" nor with what your code does exactly, however I have tried what you suggested in comparison to "xcorr(x,y)" but it doesn't seem to be calculating an autocorrelation as I am used from "xcorr". I have uploaded a comparison:

Or maybe I have applied your hint the wrong way?


P.S. Why is my email shown, even though in my settings I got it set to 'hidden'?