From: Smp Mp on

I have an xml which i need in ruby json format

I use the below code :


where xml contains the xml data.
i get the result in the below format :


but i require the result as :

Kindly help
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From: Brian Candler on
Smp Mp wrote:
> I use the below code :
> data=Hash.from_xml(xml).to_json()
> where xml contains the xml data.
> i get the result in the below format :
> {'responseHeader':{'status':0,'QTime':0}}

That looks like valid JSON to me.

> but i require the result as :
> {
> 'responseHeader'=>{
> 'status'=>0,
> 'QTime'=>0}
> }

That's not valid JSON. You mean you want a Ruby Hash? Try

data = Hash.from_xml(xml)

(there's no point converting it into JSON if you're going to JSON.parse
it back into a hash)
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From: Smp Mp on

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