From: Viejo Loco Viejo on
I need to know the programming differences between E85-02665 (XP SP2
Can/US) and E85-02667 (XP SP2 UK). Can someone please either spell them out
or point me to a Microsoft document. TYIA.
From: Shenan Stanley on
Viejo Loco wrote:
> I need to know the programming differences between E85-02665 (XP SP2
> Can/US) and E85-02667 (XP SP2 UK). Can someone please either spell
> them out or point me to a Microsoft document. TYIA.

Programming differences? Likely none.

Different regional settings, maybe slight re-wording of EULA depending on
the country (don't hold me to that), etc.

Windows XP _____ Edition with Service Pack _, __-bit is Windows XP _____
Edition with Service Pack _, __-bit the world over (if the blanks you fill
in match.) Although I might think - never tested it - that a product key
for one (Can/US) may not work with the other (UK) and vice-versa.

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

From: PA Bear [MS MVP] on

Viejo Loco wrote:
> I need to know the programming differences between E85-02665 (XP SP2
> Can/US) and E85-02667 (XP SP2 UK). Can someone please either spell them
> out
> or point me to a Microsoft document. TYIA.

From: Viejo Loco on
If you do a search on just E85-02667 there was a series of responses about
this back on 8/11-12/2008. Basically one has more choices to make in setup
(Control Panel) to differentiate keyboard, etc..