From: Archimedes Plutonium on
This whole book is about precision definitions in order to do
mathematics at all. The
conjectures in old math which are over 100 years old such as Riemann
or the Perfect Numbers conjecture which is over 2000 years old have
concepts, lousy definitions and that is the reason they are unsolved
and unsolvable.

Fermat's Last Theorem, twin primes, and Goldbach Conjecture have never
been proven because they never well-defined nor precision defined what
it means to be a Finite Number.

Now it is my onus or my burden to well define what I mean by disparity
or skewity
in the Logarithmic Spiral that represents time in seconds and
represents Hyperbolic
geometry versus the Circles that represents distance in centimeters
and represents
Elliptic Geometry. I have to well define how I get 3 x 10^10 cm/sec
(speed of light)
out of the logarithmic spiral versus circles.

--- looking at this first picture in Wikipedia ---
--- end looking ---

I am going to use the first five concentric circles and pretend as if
the fifth circle is
10^500. I am calling that fifth circle as having a circumference of
10^500 cm.

The disparity or the skew, I am going to define as to this pattern. If
I cut a rope or string
that matches the distance of the fifth circle and then make the string
conform to the path
of the logarithmic spiral, then it falls short of the fifth circle
endpoint. This falling short is
what I define as skew or disparity. It is a small difference.

So that this disparity causes this relationship 10^500 cm / 10^490
seconds = 10^10 cm/sec

Now I do not know if the log spiral and circles produce 3 x 10^10 cm/
sec at exactly the number 10^500. I do not know if the skewity or
disparity to produce 3 x 10^10 exists
at 10^500 or some other number. I do know it exists somewhere in that
setup arrangement.

What I know for sure is that the speed of light is the maximum speed
and there exists no
superluminal speeds. This means that the speed of light is the
boundary between Finite
and infinity. And this further means there is an analog of a large
number in mathematics
which is the end of Finiteness. Whether that number is 10^500, as the
largest Planck Unit,
remains to be seen. The logarithmic spiral inside concentric circles
is a good way of
finding out what the analog of the speed of light is as a pure number.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies