From: Peter Olcott on

"Patricia Shanahan" <pats(a)> wrote in message
> Peter Olcott wrote:
>> "Patricia Shanahan" <pats(a)> wrote in message
>> news:4dx_g.17125$UG4.12313(a)
>>> Peter Olcott wrote:
>>>> "Patricia Shanahan" <pats(a)> wrote in message
>>>> news:yWw_g.10604$Lv3.9258(a)
>>>>> Peter Olcott wrote:
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> We can precisely define what is meant by an ill-formed question by saying
>>>>>> that an ill-formed question is any question that has no possible correct
>>>>>> answer from the required solution set. The variation of the HP that your
>>>>>> example refers to has no correct YES or NO answer, thus derives an
>>>>>> ill-formed question equivalent to the question: "How tall are you red or
>>>>>> blue?"
>>>>> Do you think your "Ill formed statement" condition is computable?
>>>>> Patricia
>>>> If we make the usual assumptions that are made in the HP, then yes. If we
>>>> assume that an algorithm is capable of correctly determining whether or not
>>>> another program halts, at least in each and every case where this is
>>>> possible, then this same algorithm would by definition already know the
>>>> ill-formed cases. The ill-formed cases would be any case where it can
>>>> neither conclude HALTS, nor conclude NOT_HALTS.
>>> I do NOT "assume that an algorithm is capable of correctly determining
>>> whether or not another program halts", whether or not qualified by "at
>>> least in every case in which this is possible".
>>> It is certainly not an assumption that is usually made in discussing the
>>> halting problem, other than in the sense that some versions of the proof
>>> use a proof by contradiction form, in which the prover temporarily
>>> assumes something exists, demonstrates a contradiction, and concludes it
>>> does not exist.
>> I am not taking on the burden of proving that solving the HP is possible. The
>> most burden that I am taking on is showing that there might have been some
>> errors with some of the prior proofs that solving the HP is impossible.
>> Within the context of the above mentioned assumptions, if I can merely show
>> that the conclusions drawn from these assumptions and proofs might not
>> logically follow from the logic of these proofs, I have met the minimum
>> degree of my original goals.
> The problem with this is that I believe you need a Turing machine
> halting problem decider to decide the MSR condition:
> int HaltTest(HaltTestSource){
> if(WillHalt(HaltTestSource,HaltTestSource){
> Turing(someTM, someInput);
> }else{
> return;
> }
> }
> Suppose HaltTestSource is the source code for HaltTest, including the
> strings specifying someTM and someInput.
> Turing is a Turing machine simulator that runs someTM with someInput as
> initial tape contents.
> As a Turing machine simulator, it does not allow for exceptions. It
> returns if, and only if, someTM reaches a terminal state when run with
> initial tape contents someInput.
> If someTM(someInput) halts, then this program halts regardless of the
> result of WillHalt. WillHalt can, and should, return TRUE.
> If someTM(someInput) does not halt, then WillHalt should throw an MSR
> exception.
> In order to decide whether to throw the exception or not, at least
> according to your current definition, you need to know whether Turing
> returns or not. That can be determined only by a general, no exceptions,
> Turing machine halting problem decider.
> someTM may involve code equivalent to your HaltTest implementation, with
> the exception treated as a form of halting. Regardless of that, you need
> to know whether it halts.
> A lot of questions about dynamic properties of programs, such as "does
> it ever reach this statement", turn out to be halting problem
> equivalent. I will be surprised if you can find a specification for the
> MSR condition that is decidable.
> Patricia

I don't need to show that MSR is decidable to completely prove my point. All
that my maximum burden of proof requires is that I show that prior proofs that
Halting is undecidable are incorrect.

If in each and every specific attempt to provide a valid counter-example that
Halting is undecidable I can show that this specific attempt has failed, I will
have met my maximum burden of proof.

In other words I would be able to show (at least for the moment) that whether or
not Halting is decidable, is currently undecided.

From: Markus Triska on
"Peter Olcott" <NoSpam(a)> writes:

> In other words I would be able to show (at least for the moment)
> that whether or not Halting is decidable, is currently undecided.

It's easy to show that HP isn't decidable (you can lead the assumption
that it's decidable to a contradiction). Better use a different
terminology to avoid confusion.

Best wishes!
Markus Triska
From: Peter Olcott on

"Markus Triska" <triska(a)> wrote in message news:873b9g77bi.fsf(a)
> "Peter Olcott" <NoSpam(a)> writes:
>> In other words I would be able to show (at least for the moment)
>> that whether or not Halting is decidable, is currently undecided.
> It's easy to show that HP isn't decidable (you can lead the assumption
> that it's decidable to a contradiction). Better use a different
> terminology to avoid confusion.
> Best wishes!
> Markus Triska

My recent posting on a thread entitled "Is the Halting Problem merely an
ill-formed question?" attempts to show that the conclusion of a formed
contradiction may be incorrect.

From: Patricia Shanahan on
Peter Olcott wrote:
> I don't need to show that MSR is decidable to completely prove my point. All
> that my maximum burden of proof requires is that I show that prior proofs that
> Halting is undecidable are incorrect.

To do that, I think you need a definition of MSR that is at least not
provably undecidable. The current definition fails that test.


From: Peter Olcott on

"Patricia Shanahan" <pats(a)> wrote in message
> Peter Olcott wrote:
> ...
>> I don't need to show that MSR is decidable to completely prove my point. All
>> that my maximum burden of proof requires is that I show that prior proofs
>> that Halting is undecidable are incorrect.
> To do that, I think you need a definition of MSR that is at least not
> provably undecidable. The current definition fails that test.
> Patricia

Okay, then show how it is provably un-decidable. This will require only a single
example. Try to do it as a variation of the LoopIfHalts() / WillHalt() form that
I have presented.