From: Peter Olcott on

"Daryl McCullough" <stevendaryl3016(a)> wrote in message
> Peter Olcott says...
>>The question posed to the TM is: "Does the program halt { State(HALTS) or
>>State(NOT_HALTS) }?"
> No, the question is just "Does program P halt on input X?". If you
> are the one who is writing WillHalt, you get to decide what it means
> for WillHalt to have figured out that the answer is "yes", and you
> get to decide what it means for WillHalt to have figured out that
> the answer is "no".
> --
> Daryl McCullough
> Ithaca, NY

There is a crucial distinction that it seems you are letting slip through. If I
am the one writing WillHalt() and WillHalt() is to meet this original
specification, then "no" is prohibited, all that I am permitted is either "yes"
or Not("yes"). I am not permitted "no". This is equivalent to entering the
State(HALTS) or refraining from entering this state. It is not equivalent to
entering the State(NOT_HALTS).

From: sillybanter on
In comp.theory Peter Olcott <NoSpam(a)> wrote:
> <sillybanter(a)> wrote in message news:7_N_g.10502$A27.8602(a)trnddc08...
> My purpose is not to solve the Halting Problem. My purpose (at most) is to show
> that the conclusion of the HP is incorrect. Within this context I have
> determined three possible halt decision outcomes:
> (1) The Halt() function can determine that the program subject to test will
> halt, and can return this value.
> (2) The Halt() function can determine that the program subject to test will
> halt, yet can not return this value.

Hogwash - if it can determine that the program will halt, it can
certainly say "yes" as an answer to the halting problem. Did someone
confiscate all the 1 bits so it can't say this?

> (3) The Halt() function can determine that the program subject to
> test is constructed such that it can not be determined whether or
> not the program under test will halt because the question regarding
> the halting status of the program under test is
> ill-formed. Ill-formed is taken to mean that no correct solutions
> exist within the required solution set.

Again wrong - the answer is "yes" or "no". If this particular Halt()
function can't determine the answer that just means that it can't give
the right answer for this input. Being wrong doesn't mean that the
answer doesn't exist. If I asked you how tall I am, and you can't
answer because you don't know the answer, does that make the question
ill-formed? Of course not, it just makes you wrong (or at best, you
have to resort to guessing...).

> If you can provide a concrete example of a HP proof that does not
> fall into one of these categories, please do. Try to do it in the
> form of WillHalt() / LoopIfHalts() if you can.

Well, you've missed the obvious case of "Halt() can determine that the
program subject to test does not halt" but I'll assume that was a
simple oversight on your part.

Your option (2) is clearly a non-existent case. And option (3) is
meaningless - while option (3) could exist if defined as "Halt() can't
determine the answer", that has no bearing on whether the problem is
ill-formed or not.


Steve Stringer

From: Peter Olcott on

<sillybanter(a)> wrote in message news:Nma%g.4818$bb.2921(a)trnddc03...
> In comp.theory Peter Olcott <NoSpam(a)> wrote:
>> <sillybanter(a)> wrote in message
>> news:7_N_g.10502$A27.8602(a)trnddc08...
>> My purpose is not to solve the Halting Problem. My purpose (at most) is to
>> show
>> that the conclusion of the HP is incorrect. Within this context I have
>> determined three possible halt decision outcomes:
>> (1) The Halt() function can determine that the program subject to test will
>> halt, and can return this value.
>> (2) The Halt() function can determine that the program subject to test will
>> halt, yet can not return this value.
> Hogwash - if it can determine that the program will halt, it can
> certainly say "yes" as an answer to the halting problem. Did someone
> confiscate all the 1 bits so it can't say this?
>> (3) The Halt() function can determine that the program subject to
>> test is constructed such that it can not be determined whether or
>> not the program under test will halt because the question regarding
>> the halting status of the program under test is
>> ill-formed. Ill-formed is taken to mean that no correct solutions
>> exist within the required solution set.
> Again wrong - the answer is "yes" or "no". If this particular Halt()
> function can't determine the answer that just means that it can't give
> the right answer for this input. Being wrong doesn't mean that the
> answer doesn't exist. If I asked you how tall I am, and you can't
> answer because you don't know the answer, does that make the question
> ill-formed? Of course not, it just makes you wrong (or at best, you
> have to resort to guessing...).
>> If you can provide a concrete example of a HP proof that does not
>> fall into one of these categories, please do. Try to do it in the
>> form of WillHalt() / LoopIfHalts() if you can.
> Well, you've missed the obvious case of "Halt() can determine that the
> program subject to test does not halt" but I'll assume that was a
> simple oversight on your part.
> Your option (2) is clearly a non-existent case. And option (3) is
> meaningless - while option (3) could exist if defined as "Halt() can't
> determine the answer", that has no bearing on whether the problem is
> ill-formed or not.
> --
> Steve Stringer
> sillybanter(a)

I have updated my position to clarify it and correct any inconsistencies. My
updated position is as follows:

The question posed to the TM is: "Does the program halt { State(HALTS) or
State(NOT_HALTS) }?"

is an ill-formed question because the TM is constrained to provide its response
from a solution set that contains no correct answer. Thus the Halting Problem
meets the definition of an ill-formed question. The Halting Problem is only
undecidable because it has the same form as the question" "How tall are you
green or blue?"

From: Jack Campin - bogus address on
> The question posed to the TM is: "Does the program halt { State(HALTS)
> or State(NOT_HALTS) }?"

The question is does the program halt or not. Adding uninterpreted pseudo-C
verbiage doesn't clarify anything.

> is an ill-formed question because the TM is constrained to provide its
> response from a solution set that contains no correct answer.

The correct answer is "yes" if it halts and "no" if it doesn't.

I suspect the basic reason Peter is so confused is that he hasn't even
seen the possibility of the kind of reasoning Turing and his successors
were investigating (and showing the limits of) - i.e. *static* analysis
of program code used to predict *dynamic* behaviour. Peter seems to
think you have to simulate all the loops in a program before you can
tell if it terminates or not. Turing (like any present-day programming
language implementor) knew you could often do better than that, and
estimate the running time of a program by looking at its textual or
graph-theoretic structure, for some simple kinds of program. The next
question was, can you do so much better as to solve *all* such problems
with one piece of pre-packaged software? It didn't take long to work
out that you can't.

============== j-c ====== @ ====== purr . demon . co . uk ==============
Jack Campin: 11 Third St, Newtongrange EH22 4PU, Scotland | tel 0131 660 4760
<> for CD-ROMs and free | fax 0870 0554 975
stuff: Scottish music, food intolerance, & Mac logic fonts | mob 07800 739 557
From: Jens Auer on
Peter Olcott wrote:

> I have updated my position to clarify it and correct any inconsistencies. My
> updated position is as follows:
> The question posed to the TM is: "Does the program halt { State(HALTS) or
> State(NOT_HALTS) }?"
> is an ill-formed question because the TM is constrained to provide its response
> from a solution set that contains no correct answer. Thus the Halting Problem
> meets the definition of an ill-formed question. The Halting Problem is only
> undecidable because it has the same form as the question" "How tall are you
> green or blue?"
Am I the only one that has seen that sentence many times before? This is
no update, it is restating your prior postings. What other halting
property can a program have except that it halts or doesn't?
And since the halting problem is a decision problem, every decision
function must be compuatble and yield either yes or no on all possible
inputs. If it doesn't, it might be a nice and very useful function, but
it is not, and will never be by definition, a decision function. The
characteristic function for the halting problem (the set of all pairs
(p,x) for which p(x) halts) certainly exists and is well defined since
each program is either part of the set or not, but the function cannot
be expressed by a TM.