From: Weng Tianxiang on 6 Jan 2010 11:51 Hi Xilinx, Here is the error reporting with its code and compilation result with ISE 10.1 and service pack 3. The code is specially simplified to highlight the VHDL compiler error characteristics. There are global data array definitions. when one of many data in the global data array is accessed in one logic level, all other non-accessed data in the global data array cannot be accessed and declared a data access error. I list only one error case when one of many data in the global data array is accessed at one level. Another similar error case is when one of many data in the global data array is accessed at two different levels in a module, the same compilation error occurs again. Error reason: Each of many data in a global data array must have its independent own data source ID and a global data array cannot share only one data source ID to determine whether the access violation occurs or not. LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; Package XILINX_ERROR_REPORT is constant TOP : integer := 1; constant BOTTOM : integer := 0; signal Error : unsigned(TOP downto BOTTOM); end package; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.XILINX_ERROR_REPORT.all; entity Xilinx_Error is generic(X : integer := 1); port( CLK : in std_logic; SINI : in std_logic; Error_I : in std_logic; Error_O : out std_logic ); end Xilinx_Error; architecture A of Xilinx_Error is begin Error_O <= Error(X); A1 : process(CLK) begin if CLK'event and CLK = '1' then if SINI = '1' then Error(X) <= '0'; else if Error_I = '1' then Error(X) <= '1'; else Error(X) <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; end A; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.XILINX_ERROR_REPORT.all; entity Xilinx_Error_Detect is generic(X : integer := 1); port( CLK : in std_logic; SINI : in std_logic; Error_I : in std_logic_vector(TOP downto BOTTOM); Error_O : out std_logic_vector(TOP downto BOTTOM) ); end Xilinx_Error_Detect; architecture A of Xilinx_Error_Detect is component Xilinx_Error is generic(X : integer := 1); port( CLK : in std_logic; SINI : in std_logic; Error_I : in std_logic; Error_O : out std_logic ); end component; begin Generate_A : for J in BOTTOM to TOP generate Xilinx_Error_A : Xilinx_Error generic map(X => J) port map ( CLK => CLK, SINI => SINI, Error_I => Error_I(J), Error_O => Error_O(J) ); end generate; end A; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================== ======================= * HDL Compilation * ================================================== ======================= Compiling vhdl file "C:/Xilinx-Error-Report/Xilinx_Error_Report.vhd" in Library work. Package <xilinx_error_report> compiled. Entity <xilinx_error> compiled. Entity <xilinx_error> (Architecture <a>) compiled. Entity <xilinx_error_detect> compiled. Entity <Xilinx_Error_Detect> (Architecture <A>) compiled. ================================================== ======================= * Design Hierarchy Analysis * ================================================== ======================= Analyzing hierarchy for entity <Xilinx_Error_Detect> in library <work> (architecture <A>) with generics. X = 1 Analyzing hierarchy for entity <Xilinx_Error> in library <work> (architecture <a>) with generics. X = 0 Analyzing hierarchy for entity <Xilinx_Error> in library <work> (architecture <a>) with generics. X = 1 ================================================== ======================= * HDL Analysis * ================================================== ======================= Analyzing generic Entity <Xilinx_Error_Detect> in library <work> (Architecture <A>). X = 1 Entity <Xilinx_Error_Detect> analyzed. Unit <Xilinx_Error_Detect> generated. Analyzing generic Entity <Xilinx_Error.1> in library <work> (Architecture <a>). X = 0 Entity <Xilinx_Error.1> analyzed. Unit <Xilinx_Error.1> generated. Analyzing generic Entity <Xilinx_Error.2> in library <work> (Architecture <a>). X = 1 ERROR:Xst:2548 - "C:/Xilinx-Error-Report/Xilinx_Error_Report.vhd" line 36: Signal 'Error' defined in a package is already used in entity <Xilinx_Error.1>. --> Total memory usage is 129212 kilobytes Number of errors : 1 ( 0 filtered) Number of warnings : 1 ( 0 filtered) Number of infos : 0 ( 0 filtered) Process "Synthesis" failed In the above example, Error(1 downto 0) is declared in package XILINX_ERROR_REPORT, and its components are used in different modules: Error(0) is used in module Xilinx_Error.1 and Error(1) is used in module Xilinx_Error.2, but the compiler fails to correctly register the domain for each of Error(1 downto 0) and declares a error that is not an error. Weng
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