From: BillW50 on 19 Mar 2010 10:14 In news:hnrrum$3ei$2(a), The Natural Philosopher typed on Thu, 18 Mar 2010 00:25:58 +0000: > Doesn't run any better? > > Christ how on earth do you manage to make it crash every day? > > The LONGEST I have had windows running is about 2 days. My Linux is > dictated generally by the time between kernel upgrades, or a power > cut, whichever is the sooner. That's the only time it ever gets > rebooted. Unless I mess up its config and screw it beyond immediate > redemption. > And it has never messed up so bad it needed reinstallation, except > with definite terminal hardware problems. > > Rssntalling windows is a two monthly exercise for most of my friends > who use it as a desktop. Reinstalling Windows? That is the wrong way to do things. I install them once and that is it. I make backups and if the hard drive fails or something, just restore it to another hard drive. I have 4TB of external drive space so making multiple backups are easy and I can make as many I would like too without problems of running out of space. And you are back up and running in about 20 minutes or less. Only had Windows running for two days tops? Gee mine don't get rebooted for months at a time. Some of them for years at a time. Even when I was running Windows 98, I wouldn't have to reboot for about every 2 months and that was it. Linux? Well Xandros crashes all of the time. So that one isn't so good. Ubuntu doesn't crash too often, but there is very limited applications and games for Linux. Plus Linux is terrible in the multimedia department. So Linux isn't so hot of an OS anyway. As I still think of Linux as just a glorified PDA OS. As that is about all it is good for anyway. Just those simple computing tasks. -- Bill Gateway MX6124 ('06 era) 1 of 3 - Windows XP SP2
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