Problems with Ada.Streams.Read (blocking) Hi, I've written a minimal example to access an ftp server (like FileZilla). First, let's have a look at the code snippet: -- START with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Streams; with GNAT.Sockets; use GNAT.Sockets; use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count; procedure Test is Client: Socket_Type; Address: S... 22 Aug 2008 19:10
How to implement a server socket compatible to telnet? Hello! For some reasons I had to implement a server socket in C++. Now I want to do the same in Ada and so I read the GNAT.Sockets-library and implemented a shorter version of the example given in the g- The problem is that I want to implement the server in a kind, that processes written in other ... 20 Aug 2008 19:03
Larger matrices I manage to process 1000 x 1000 matrices with the respective Ada 2005 standard library with GNAT GPL 2008. Processing includes multiplication by a vector. Now I want larger matrices, say 5000 x 5000. The objects seem to be allocated ok (dynamically), but mutiplication gives a "segmentation fault." Any tips on... 13 Aug 2008 10:44
Size of Vector limited to 1024 MB of Heap Size Hi, my machine has 4 GB of RAM and I am wondering, why I can't use at least 2 or 3 GBytes to run an Ada program. It seems, that my Ada Compiler (Gnat 4.4.0) limit the memory to 2 GB per default. Is it possible to allocate more than 2 GB? Here is a simple example of an "evil" vector, that gains more memory in ... 25 Jun 2008 18:06
GNAT.Serial_Communications ? Hi group, I want to communicate with serial port in Ada. What is the best choice in your opinion? GNAT.Serial_Communications? Where can I find any documentation about this (GCC GNAT Reference Manual says nothing about this)? -- Tomek ... 13 Aug 2008 16:56
GNAT GPL 2008 is out On Jun 12, 7:31 am, Maxim Reznik <rezni...(a)> wrote: It seems they have wrong file permission for Linux PolyORB: I'm trying to download polyorb-gpl-2.4.0-1-src.tgz and get Exception name: ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.USE_ERROR Message: s-fileio.adb:988 Call stack traceback locations: 0x82279ea 0x82... 19 Jun 2008 01:15
SPARK hide directive, hiding separate declaration. Hello everyone I think I may have found a similar problem discussed when searching, but I felt that this problem is sufficiently different to warrant a new post. I am getting the following error code when using SPARK examiner: Semantic Error : 10: Illegal redeclaration of identifier foo. The error is ha... 3 Jan 2008 22:08
using jGRASP to compile Ada I'm trying to use jGRASP to compile, but I get the following error: ----jGRASP exec: gnatmake -g hello_world.adb gcc -c -g hello_world.adb gcc.exe: CreateProcess: No such file or directory gnatmake: "hello_world.adb" compilation error ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 4. ----jGRASP: operation c... 10 Dec 2007 00:00
Problem with GNAT GPL 2007.1 win32Ada bindings Hello, I am using the GNAT GPL 2007.1 version on a Vista machine. After this I installed the win32Ada 2007 bindings. When I tried to build the examples, I am getting al lot of warnings: gnatmake -PC:\GNAT\2007\share\examples\win32ada\gdi\gdidemo.gpr gdidemo -d gcc -c -O2 -I- -gnatA C:\GNAT\2007\share\exam... 10 Nov 2007 08:26
GtkAda Tree_View properties Hi guys! Sorry this is not strictly a language question, but I figure people here will know the answer. Using GtkAda, I was to set properties for a Gtk_Tree_View. The lines in the widget have rather excessive vertical spacing. I think if I set "ypad" and/or "vertical-separator" properties, I could reduce th... 25 May 2007 11:07 |