Using gprbuild with GCC 4.4.2? Hi Folks, I've been using GNAT from GCC 4.4.2 for a while (tend to like to rebuild my compiler). I decided recently to explore the functionality of AWS from Ada Core however it uses "gprbuild" to build which is not included in the standard GCC release. Is it possible to simply grab it from the source release f... 1 Jan 2010 06:30
Safe Pointers Safe Pointers provide a reference counting facility to deal with access types without compromizing safety, i.e. safe pointers clean up behind themselves properly; no dangling references can ever be produced. Ada 95 and Ada 2005 differ enough so that two versions exist. A new Ada 2005 version is ready: http://ww... 30 Dec 2009 13:07
Adding a compiler to GPS or a GPR project Hi all of you, Withins GPS, it is easy to add support for a language syntax, as easy as it is on most today's editors or IDEs. But I was not able to find how to associate a compilation command to a file of a given language, either in GPS or in a GPR project file. This is not formally required, as this could pr... 1 Jan 2010 11:54
software engineer required If u want to make career in mobile application then please attach ur resume at (spice corp) U must have 60% through out (BE, MCA,) Thankyou ... 31 Dec 2009 17:37
GNAT project and search directories Hi all, hope you have a merry Christmas in peace Compiling AdaDep, I've noticed different behaviors when compiling with and without the provided GPR file. When the compilation is done without the GPR file, I have to give gnatmake, the path for the ASIS source directory with an -I option. When the compilation... 29 Dec 2009 08:33
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VISIBLE LIGHT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~***~~~ ================================================== ================================================== ENTER HERE: <<< ==================================================... 26 Dec 2009 13:15
ANN: Simple components for Ada v3.7 released The current version provides implementations of smart pointers, sets, maps, directed graphs, directed weighted graphs, stacks, tables, string editing, unbounded arrays, expression analyzers, lock-free data structures, synchronization primitives (events, race condition free pulse events, arrays of events, reentrant ... 26 Dec 2009 07:50
ANN: Strings edit v2.4 released Provides string editing: 1. Integer numbers (generic, package Integer_Edit); 2. Integer sub- and superscript numbers; 3. Floating-point numbers (generic, package Float_Edit); 4. Roman numbers (the type Roman); 5. Strings; 6. Ada-style quoted strings; 7. UTF-8 encoded strings; 8. Unicode maps and sets; 9. Wil... 26 Dec 2009 07:50
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELSH TERRIER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~***~~~ ================================================== ================================================== click here to enter: <<< ===============================================... 25 Dec 2009 13:38
Interfacing to C On Dec 24, 12:46 pm, "RasikaSriniva...(a)" <rasikasriniva...(a)> wrote: type MyStruct is record ..... end record ; pragma Convention(C,MyStruct); pragma Convention (C_Pass_by_Copy, MyStruct); ... 1 Jan 2010 14:06 |